• AsyncIO part 2: Threads, green threads, couroutins and The Event Loop.

    Threads are bad, we can do it in a single thread and still get the same result. Well, yes, but why? What makes a thread fail in comparison to a coroutine and when? Socket handling in a loop is good for a simple echo server, but will not help us do a normal project. What features are needed for a normal socket server, that can also connect to a database, do complex processing, do background processing, read files and still retain 1 thread to do that all? Lets talk about delayed calls, transports, protocols and other parts that make up an event loop.

  • AsyncIO part 1: Sockets

  • deck

  • deck

  • Binary data in Python with a bit of C spice on top

    You have that annoying C++ client that refuses to send you JSON data no matter what? Well, not a big problem, as long as we keep the mind calm and use correct data types, modules, and tricks in Python. We can even dive a bit deeper into C world ourselves to get the secret spice of efficiency.

  • Speedy protocol parsing in Python and Cython

    How to parse a binary protocol in Python. Tricks to make it not suck too bad. What to use as a bytebuffer in Python2 and Python3? And how to make it fast with Cython.

  • kafka11

  • ゲームお始めましょう

  • Messaging with Kafka

    Kafka presentation for UA PyCon2016