AsyncIO part 2: Threads, green threads, coroutines and The Event Loop.

Taras Voinarovskyi
Taras Voinarovskyi

Member of aio-libs team


  • Minimum 1 MB per Thread (8MB default)
  • Context switching is expensive
  • Processing bound to 1 CPU
  • Other GIL related issues
  • etc.

Why can be bad in some cases:

Green threads

PyPy's continulet


Stackless tasklet



Green threads


PEP 492 -- Coroutines with async and await syntax

async def my_coroutine():
    res = await io_operation()

    async with my_async_context():
        print("In context")

    async for x in my_asyn_iter():
        print("Yielded", x)

        yield "We can even do async generators"        


import time

class Future:

    def __await__(self):
        sleep_time = 0
        while True:
            sleep_time = yield f"Sleeping for {sleep_time}s"

async def coro():
    await Future()

c = coro()



AsyncIO part 2: Threads, green threads, couroutins and The Event Loop.

By Taras Voinarovskyi

AsyncIO part 2: Threads, green threads, couroutins and The Event Loop.

Threads are bad, we can do it in a single thread and still get the same result. Well, yes, but why? What makes a thread fail in comparison to a coroutine and when? Socket handling in a loop is good for a simple echo server, but will not help us do a normal project. What features are needed for a normal socket server, that can also connect to a database, do complex processing, do background processing, read files and still retain 1 thread to do that all? Lets talk about delayed calls, transports, protocols and other parts that make up an event loop.

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