• Introduction to Security in the Web

  • How to search a solution for a code problem?

  • React Lifecycle Hooks

    A presentation about how lifecycle works in React and its equivalent in Hooks.


    A presentation about what is JWT, JWS, JWE and JOSE

  • Introduciton to Testing

    An introduction guide about how to test in JavaScript

  • Crecimiento profesional en las comunidades

    Cómo la participación en las comunidades pueden ayudarnos de tantas maneras profesionalmente.

  • Don't use a CSS pre-processor anymore

    In this talk, we are going to evaluate the current native solutions against the pre-processors features in CSS.

  • Front-end Security

    A retrospective about security in the front-end and some web security basic knowledge

  • How to success as a Full-stack JavaScript Engineer

    Why should a become a JavaScript engineer in the first place and what is required to become one?

  • Remote Tips

    Few tips for work from home in pandemic times

  • Tips para dar una charla

    Few tips to give a public talk and improve your speech, slides, and body language.

  • The Last CSS framework

    How CSS usage has some bias in the way we use today, and how we can start using another approach like Tailwind CSS.

  • The future of the state management in JavaScript

  • In the middle of the middleware

    Explaining how middlewares work in Express.js

  • Scaling CSS in Design Systems

    How to scale CSS in Design Systems

  • Learned lessons with WooCommerce and React

    My experience creating e-commerce using a headless WordPress and React in the UI

  • CSS Layout

    CSS Layout: Introduction to CSS basics

  • Atomic Design

    Atomic Design: Introduction to the concept

  • CSS values

    CSS values specification for a series of FE talks

  • Browsers behaviours

    Browers behaviours and tricks for the QA team

  • Intro to CSS 3D

    Intro to CSS 3D for a series of FE talks

  • Web Components Support today

    Web Components Support today for a series of FE talks

  • Improving the procces

    Improving the development process for the FE team

  • Building modern Web apps with JHipster

    A intro about how to build modern web apps with JHipster

  • Cómo instalar Laravel en Codio

    How to install Laravel in an Online IDE

  • JavaScript 101

    A basic introduction to ECMAScript 5 (JavaScript)