Remote Tips



  1. Remote vs WFH
  2. Individual actions
  3. Team actions

Remote vs

Work from Home

Work from Home

Telecommuting, also called telework, teleworking, working from home.


It's a work arrangement in which employees do not commute.

Working Remote

As an employer, restricting your hiring to a small geographic region means you’re not getting the best people you can.


REMOTE shows both employers and employees how they can work together, remotely, from any desk, in any place, anytime, anywhere.



Step back.

Don't start working as soon as you are awake. Water your plants.


Don't work in your bedroom.

Keep your workspace exclusive.

Think about ergonomics.


Take a shower, change your clothes, eat proper food.


You need to define a trigger for productivity.

Keep in Touch.

Use different apps and ways to communicate.

Don't forget the audio and video.


Define your work hours and respect your time to rest.

Make sure everyone respect that time as well.

Get out!

You might feel that you are always working.

Close your laptop and silence your phone.




Over-communicate. Keep all discussions as public as possible.

Maintain the traditions.

Morning coffee, fika, stand-up, retrospectives, 1on1.

Encourage pairing.

It can be hard but not impossible.

Hangouts and screen sharing do the trick.

Don't forget

Don't forget about those in the office.

Test new ideas.

It is an opportunity to see how productivy can be improved.


—"This meeting could be an email".


Remote Tips

By Guillermo Rodas

Remote Tips

Few tips for work from home in pandemic times

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