• How We Moved Away from Spryker to Symfony

  • Great APIs with Symfony and Open Source Software - SymfonyCamp UA 2019 - Kyiv

    This is a walk-trough on how to build a rich, RESTful (Level 3 including HATEOAS) API for web applications. The result will be a standard, documented, validated and easy to maintain API that users will enjoy and developers love to build.

  • Great APIs with Symfony and Open Source Software - sfday 2019 - Verona

    This is a walk-trough on how to build a rich, RESTful (Level 3 including HATEOAS) API for web applications. The result will be a standard, documented, validated and easy to maintain API that users will enjoy and developers love to build.

  • Introduction to Traefik on Docker Swarm - PHP UG - Berlin

  • Deploy your PHP app with Docker Swarm - PHPCE 2019

    Setup your local environment, setup the remote server, push the code, done. Your application is ready and deployed. This talks is a walk-trough on how to setup a continuous integration and delivery pipeline to have your PHP code pushed right to production using modern CI tools and Docker Swarm.

  • Probabilistic data structures and algorithms for Big Data applications - PHPCE 2019

    As the amount of data we produce is continuously growing, we need also more sophisticated methods to elaborate them. Probabilistic data structures are based on different hashing techniques and provide approximate answers with predictable errors. The potential errors are compensated by the incredibly low memory usage, query time and scaling factors. This talk will cover the most common strategies used to solve membership, counting, similarity, frequency and ranking problems in a Big Data context.

  • Great APIs with Symfony and Open Source Software - SymfonyLive Berlin 2019

    This is a walk-trough on how to build a rich, RESTful (Level 3 including HATEOAS) API for web applications. The result will be a standard, documented, validated and easy to maintain API that users will enjoy and developers love to build.

  • Bloom filters, PHP and Big data - Berlin PHP user group 2019

    Discover what are Bloom-Filters and how can they be used for big data computation

  • Modular Application Architecture - PHP Yorkshire 2019

    Long story short: an application is born, an application grows, an application becomes unmaintainable. Often the functionalities added to the application are independent-enough but they end up anyway in the main code base increasing the code size, complexity and coupling. A common strategy to raise application maintainability and extensibility is to have external plugins/bundles/modules keeping the application core as smallest as possible. In this session you will see challenges and solutions when building plugin-based application architectures. By allowing “plugins” you will get third party extensions, independent release cycles, less dependencies and many other advantages.

  • jms/serializer v2.0 is behind the corner

    After more than a two years of work, jms/serializer v2.0 is going to see the light. You will get a preview of the changes, new features and improvements that will be released soon.

  • An API with boring code - Symfony User Group Berlin 2017

  • Deploy your PHP app with Docker

  • jms/serializer 2017

  • An API with boring code

  • Deploy your app with Docker


  • How to get the BEST from your REST (API)