Jd Fiscus
Standard Nerd
Presentation on ROS, AWS RoboMaker, DeepRacer
Detroit Startup Week 2019
Lightning talk on ROS for Autosens
Understanding NPM scripts
Presentation on AI 101
Presentation on ROS, AWS RoboMaker, DeepRacer
Demo of the office big day
Entrepreneurs and IoT (Internet of Things) - For many entrepreneurs the rapid advancements in the IoT landscape is dramatically changing the way they operate their business and create new services for customers. IoT is providing lower cost entry points for entrepreneurs to take on major human and business problems. It’s an awesome time to be an entrepreneur!!! Come participate in this exciting topic and help us ideate on how we can develop a “Smart City” here in Detroit.
Lightning talk about the features of Swagger & Open API Specification
Presentation on FaaS & Serverless Framework
Introduction to AWS infrastructure
Presentation on spread & rest for ES6