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All decks 15
  • Agile Retrospectives

  • Lean: The 3 M's

  • Agile 2017 Field Report

    These are the highlights from my experience and learning at Agile 2017.

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  • deck

  • Scrum Lunch and Learn

  • The High Performance Tree

  • Banish Fear. Be Awesome

  • Agile Practitioners Panel

  • deck

  • Agile Project Management

    Agile project management means many things. Several methodologies and frameworks exist today that fall under this descriptor. Despite many well known approaches to managing agile projects, a fundamental understanding of agility itself is often overlooked or even discounted by those seeking to learn and practice the various techniques. In this deck, you will find some basic introductions to well-known agile project management methodologies and frameworks. Most of all, the fundamental concepts, values and principles of agility will be taught and emphasized. The goal of this presentation will be to impress upon the audience not only the basics of Kanban, Extreme Programming, and Scrum but also the cultural movement that spawned each.

  • Scrum

    High level view of Scrum in contrast with the Waterfall SDLC

  • Agile Values: What's Most Important to You?

    A short, collaborative exercise designed to get a group talking about what the 4 values from the agile manifesto mean. By asking the group to choose the "most important," insights about people's own personal values emerge and are tested against the collective values of the group.

  • Powerful Leadership

    Examining how French and Raven's 5 forms of power affects and informs leadership, with special application to how a SM leads.

  • Allow Me to Introduce Myself