Jeanne Colbois PRO
Physicist @ CNRS. Here you find slides for *some* of my presentations, as well as visual abstracts for recent publications.
1-slide summary of
Invited talk at the IPS meeting in Singapore
Talk at the Majulab day
1-slide summary of
LPMMC seminar
Seminar at Institut Néel
Talk at "Quantum information, quantum matter and quantum gravity", Kyoto 2023
Invited talk in Delft "Workshop on tensor networks for constrained systems"
1-slide summary of
Tossing a coin and extreme value statistics! arxiv:2305.10574
1-slide summary of
Presentation for the NanoX-Fermi days 2023 in Toulouse
A journal club presentation of a recent preprint by L. Hernandez-Mulà and A. Läuchli on an algorithm to study Anderson localization and a two-interacting particles problem up to very large system sizes with a controllable error.
Some very basic slides as a support for an introduction to superconductivity for high school students
Contributed talk at the MMM 2022, Online
Online seminar at IISER Pune, invited by Prof. Dr. G. J. Sreejith
Condensed matter theory seminar, Göttingen University, invited by PD Dr. Salvatore Manmana
Public PhD defense - in Switzerland, we have a private defense with the Jury only, and a public one aimed at the family and friends and in general a broader audience.. These are the slides I used in for the public defense of my PhD thesis (directed by Prof. Frédéric Mila) on 20.05.2022 at EPFL.
Contributed talk at the Joint MMM -Intermag Conference 2022
Invited talk at the Online Artificial Spin Ice Sessions (OASIS) session 7, organized by Gavin Macauley, Kevin Hofhuis and Laura Heyderman
MPQ Theory Seminar - 27.01.2021 - Hosted by Patrick Emonts
Présentation en français pour les irrotationnels, décrivant le modèle d'Ising à l'interface des mathématiques, des expériences et de la matière condensée.