• Visual abstract - Statistics of systemwide correlations

    1-slide summary of https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.09608

  • Interaction-driven instabilities in the Random-Field XXZ chain

    Invited talk at the IPS meeting in Singapore

  • Instabilities in Random Spin Chains

    Talk at the Majulab day

  • Visual abstract - Interaction-Driven Instabilities in the Random-Field XXZ chain

    1-slide summary of https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.09608

  • Extreme Statistics in Random spin chains

    LPMMC seminar

  • Introduction to tensor networks for frustrated spin systems

    Seminar at Institut Néel

  • Extreme Statistics in Random spin chains

    Talk at "Quantum information, quantum matter and quantum gravity", Kyoto 2023

  • Tensor networks and limits of classical frustrated Ising models

    Invited talk in Delft "Workshop on tensor networks for constrained systems"

  • Visual abstract - Critical line of the triangular Ising antiferromagnet in a field from a C3-symmetric corner transfer matrix algorithm

    1-slide summary of https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09046

  • Visual Abstract - Breaking the chains: extreme value statistics and localization in random spin chains

    Tossing a coin and extreme value statistics! arxiv:2305.10574

  • Visual abstract - Breaking the chains : extreme values statistics and localization in random spin chains

    1-slide summary of https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10574

  • Extreme Statistics in Random spin chains

    Presentation for the NanoX-Fermi days 2023 in Toulouse

  • Journal Club DaC Algorithm

    A journal club presentation of a recent preprint by L. Hernandez-Mulà and A. Läuchli on an algorithm to study Anderson localization and a two-interacting particles problem up to very large system sizes with a controllable error.

  • Intro à la supraconductivité

    Some very basic slides as a support for an introduction to superconductivity for high school students

  • Partial lifting of degeneracy in the J1-J2-J3 kagome Ising antiferromagnet

    Contributed talk at the MMM 2022, Online

  • Tensor networks for frustrated Ising models and partial lifting of a macroscopic gs degeneracy

    Online seminar at IISER Pune, invited by Prof. Dr. G. J. Sreejith

  • Tensor networks for frustrated Ising models and partial lifting of a macroscopic gs degeneracy

    Condensed matter theory seminar, Göttingen University, invited by PD Dr. Salvatore Manmana

  • Etude de modèles d'Ising frustrés à l'aide de réseaux de tenseurs

    Public PhD defense - in Switzerland, we have a private defense with the Jury only, and a public one aimed at the family and friends and in general a broader audience.. These are the slides I used in for the public defense of my PhD thesis (directed by Prof. Frédéric Mila) on 20.05.2022 at EPFL.

  • Artificial Out-of-Plane Ising Antiferromagnet on the Kagome Lattice with Very Small Farther-Neighbour Couplings

    Contributed talk at the Joint MMM -Intermag Conference 2022

  • Artificial out-of-plane Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with very small farther-neighbor couplings

    Invited talk at the Online Artificial Spin Ice Sessions (OASIS) session 7, organized by Gavin Macauley, Kevin Hofhuis and Laura Heyderman

  • Solving frustrated Ising models using tensor networks

    MPQ Theory Seminar - 27.01.2021 - Hosted by Patrick Emonts

  • IsingModelAndFrustration

    Présentation en français pour les irrotationnels, décrivant le modèle d'Ising à l'interface des mathématiques, des expériences et de la matière condensée.