Jeanne Colbois PRO
Physicist @ CNRS. Here you find slides for *some* of my presentations, as well as visual abstracts for recent publications.
MPQ Theory seminar
Bram Vanhecke, Jeanne Colbois, Laurens Vanderstraeten, Frank Verstraete, Frédéric Mila, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 01304, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
We cannot minimize the Hamiltonian on each bond simultaneously
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Wannier, Antiferromagnetism. The triangular Ising net. PR 79 1950 (Erratum PRB 7, 1973)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Baxter, Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Baxter, Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics
Pauling, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57 , 1935
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using Monte Carlo simulations
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using Monte Carlo simulations
1. Critical slowing down, ergodicity
2. Thermodynamic integration
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using Monte Carlo simulations
1. Critical slowing down, ergodicity
2. Thermodynamic integration
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
Mizoguchi, Jaubert, Udagawa, PRL 119, 2017
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using Monte Carlo simulations
Mizoguchi, Jaubert, Udagawa, PRL 119, 2017
(2 digits)
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using Monte Carlo simulations
Zukovic, Eur. Phys. J. B, 2013
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using Monte Carlo simulations
Zukovic, Eur. Phys. J. B, 2013
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using tensor networks and ground state local rules
Vanderstraeten, Vanhecke, Verstraete, PRE 98, 2018
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using tensor networks and ground state local rules
TNs : 10 digits, vs 5 digits for MC
Vanderstraeten, Vanhecke, Verstraete, PRE 98, 2018
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Using tensor networks and ground state local rules
No need to understand the whole temperature range to understand the ground state
Vanderstraeten, Vanhecke, Verstraete, PRE 98, 2018
TNs : 10 digits, vs 5 digits for MC
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
Baxter, Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics;
Nishino, Okunishi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 1996; Orús, Vidal, PRB 78, 2008;
Zhao, Xie, et. al. PRB 81, 2010; Xie, Chen et. al. PRB 86, 2012;
Zhu, Katzgraber, arXiv:1903.0772, 2019;
Nyckees, JC, Mila, arXiv:2008.08408, 2020
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
Baxter, Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics;
Nishino, Okunishi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 1996; Orús, Vidal, PRB 78, 2008;
Zhao, Xie, et. al. PRB 81, 2010; Xie, Chen et. al. PRB 86, 2012;
Zhu, Katzgraber, arXiv:1903.0772, 2019;
Nyckees, JC, Mila, arXiv:2008.08408, 2020
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
1 + 1
2 D
Nishino, Okunishi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 1996;
Levin, Nave, PRL 99, 2007
Orús, Vidal, PRB 78, 2008;
Zauner-Stauber et. al. PRB 97,2018; Fishman et. al PRB 98, 2018
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
1 + 1
2 D
Nishino, Okunishi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 1996;
Levin, Nave, PRL 99, 2007
Orús, Vidal, PRB 78, 2008;
Zauner-Stauber et. al. PRB 97,2018; Fishman et. al PRB 98, 2018
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
(1+1)D : Look for the leading eigenvector of the row-to-row transfer matrix
Haegeman, Verstraete, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 2017
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
(1+1)D : Look for the leading eigenvector of the row-to-row transfer matrix
Just like in the 1D chain, because the partition function is the trace of the transfer matrix:
Haegeman, Verstraete, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 2017
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
(e.g. ferromagnet)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
(e.g. antiferromagnet, square lattice)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
... in general ...
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Wang, Qin, Zhou, PRB 90, 2014
Zhu, Katzgraber, arXiv:1903.07721, 2019
... in general ...
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Wang, Qin, Zhou, PRB 90, 2014
Zhu, Katzgraber, arXiv:1903.07721, 2019
2. The problem can be avoided when one knows how to write the partition function in a different way
Kramers, Wannier, PR 60, 1941; Wannier, PR 79 1950;
Kano, Naya, Prog. Theor. Phys. 10 , 1953
Levin, Nave, PRL 99, 2007
... in general ...
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Wang, Qin, Zhou, PRB 90, 2014
Zhu, Katzgraber, arXiv:1903.07721, 2019
2. The problem can be avoided when one knows how to write the partition function in a different way
Kramers, Wannier, PR 60, 1941; Wannier, PR 79 1950;
Kano, Naya, Prog. Theor. Phys. 10 , 1953
Levin, Nave, PRL 99, 2007
=> First build a tensor network which describes the ground states and can be contracted
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
C. K. Majumdar and D. K. Ghosh, J. Math. Phys. 10, 1969;
M. Kaburagi, J. Kanamori, Prog. Theor. Phys. 54 , 1975;
B. Sriram Shastry and B. Sutherland, Physica 108 B+C, 1981;
W. Huang, D. A. Kitchaev, et. al. , Phys. Rev. B 94, 2016;
Z. Wang, M. Navascues, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 474, 2018
... on the triangular lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
... on the triangular lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
G.S. configurations
Delta tensor with bond dimension 6
... on the triangular lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
Spins must match
G.S. configurations
... on the triangular lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
What happens to configurations where a down triangle is ferromagnetic?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
What happens to configurations where a down triangle is ferromagnetic?
The local rule is imposed locally
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
What happens to configurations where a down triangle is ferromagnetic?
The local rule is imposed locally
The local rule has to be computed
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Can we perform this splitting in a systematic way?
Huang, et al., Phys. Rev. B 94, 2016
Proving the ground state energies of generalized Ising models
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Side question: can we detect problematic cases without prior knowledge of the model?
Can we perform this splitting in a systematic way?
Huang, et al., Phys. Rev. B 94, 2016
Proving the ground state energies of generalized Ising models
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Select a cluster, with which one can tile the lattice with overlaps
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
For each bond, a set of weight describes how to split it among the clusters
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
For each bond, a set of weight describes how to split it among the clusters
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
For a given cluster and weights, the
local ground state energy imposes a
lower bound
on the global g.s. energy (per cluster)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
For a given cluster and weights, the
local ground state energy imposes a
lower bound
on the global g.s. energy (per cluster)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
We have a g.s. energy lower bound, what if it is saturated?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
We have a g.s. energy lower bound, what if it is saturated?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
realize the g.s. energy
All the local cluster Hamiltonians can be minimised simultaneously
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
We have a g.s. energy lower bound, what if it is saturated?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
realize the g.s. energy
All the local cluster Hamiltonians can be minimised simultaneously
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
We have a g.s. energy lower bound, what if it is saturated?
ALL the ground states are described as tilings of the local g.s. configurations
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
realize the g.s. energy
All the local cluster Hamiltonians can be minimised simultaneously
(Local rule; vertex model)
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
On the boundary : additional "spurious" tiles. Always select weights in the interior.
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
(Credit goes fully to Bram Vanhecke)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
Bond dimension?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
1. Find an upper bound, or
2. Find a state with the lower bound energy, or
3. Show that the tiles in can tile the lattice
Z. Wang, M. Navascues, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 474, (2018)
W. Huang, D. A. Kitchaev, S. T. Dacek et. al. , Phys. Rev. B 94, (2016)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
132 G.S. tiles
Bond dimension 18
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Type I
Type II
Type I
Type II
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Only type I tiles
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Type I
Type II
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Type I
Type II
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Facilitates a quick exploration of ground state phases (on top of the ground state energy).
1. Allows extremely precise extraction of the residual entropy with very limited computational effort
2. Tiles and exact contractions allow for some understanding
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Facilitates a quick exploration of ground state phases (on top of the ground state energy).
1. Allows extremely precise extraction of the residual entropy with very limited computational effort
2. Tiles and exact contractions allow for some understanding
Maps frustrated problems onto tiling problems
1. Question of the existence of the scale at which frustration is relaxed
2. Still have to explore how this mapping could help through well-studied questions on tilings.
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Facilitates a quick exploration of ground state phases (on top of the ground state energy).
1. Allows extremely precise extraction of the residual entropy with very limited computational effort
2. Tiles and exact contractions allow for some understanding
Maps frustrated problems onto tiling problems
1. Question of the existence of the scale at which frustration is relaxed
2. Still have to explore how this mapping could help through well-studied questions on tilings.
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Alternative approaches?
1. Tropical tensor networks: Jin-Guo Liu, Lei Wang, and Pan Zhang, arXiv:2008.06888
2. A systematic way of making the MPO hermitian?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Bram Vanhecke
Laurens Vanderstraeten, Frank Verstraete,
Frédéric Mila
Manuel Stathis, Patrick Emonts, Mithilesh Nayak, Jonathan D'Emidio
(And the Centro de ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
(Credit goes fully to Bram Vanhecke)
1. Type-II tiles can connect reflection-symmetry-broken sectors
2. Each type-II tile has to have exactly two neighbours of the same sub-type (can have of other sub-type)
3. No sharp angles (only straight or 120°)
4. No way to go back
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Unending strings separating symmetry-broken sectors
Idea used in the classical context:
Inequalities based on a systematic splitting of the Hamiltonian
M. Kaburagi, J. Kanamori, Prog. Theor. Phys. 54 , 1975
Finding ground states of generalised Ising models
W. Huang, D. A. Kitchaev, et. al. , Phys. Rev. B 94, 2016
Exact results for square lattice Ising models
Z. Wang, M. Navascues, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 474, 2018
(and many more)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Idea used in the quantum context:
Exact ground state in the J1-J2, spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain (Majumdar-Ghosh point)
C. K. Majumdar and D. K. Ghosh, J. Math. Phys. 10, 1969
Eigenstate in the Shastry-Sutherland model (for small J'/J)
B. Sriram Shastry and B. Sutherland, Physica 108 B+C, 1981
(and many more)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
- Numerical evidence -
Consider the "partition function" at zero temperature
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
- Numerical evidence -
1. The approximate contraction converges consistently to a leading eigenvalue which is 1 or larger
2. The approximate contraction converges only for some bond dimensions
3. The approximate contraction does not converge
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Given a Hamiltonian and a cluster, we have a tiling rule (corresponding to the maximal lower bound).
1. Does it have a solution, i.e. does it admit a tiling?
2. Does it admit a periodic tiling, or only non-periodic ones?
The first problem is undecidable. It relates to the undecidability of the energy problem in 2D (Wang, Navascues 2017)
Fh, Fv associate an energy to the bonds.
They correspond to our bond P tensors here.
Z. Wang, M. Navscues, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 474, (2018)
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Given only the Hamiltonian
1. Does it admit a cluster which gives rise to a solvable tiling rule?
2. Does it admit a cluster whose tiling rule admits periodic tilings?
And for the approximate contractions:
How do the algorithms react if given a rule for aperiodic tilings? What if only some of the tilings corresponding to the rule are periodic?
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Chioar,et. al. PRB 90, 2014
Luo et. al. , Science 363, 2019
JC et. al. , In preparation
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
... on the kagome lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Kano, Naya, Prog. Theor. Phys. 10 , 1953
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
... on the kagome lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
G.S. configurations
Spins must match
... on the kagome lattice
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
G.S. configurations
Spins must match
Vanhecke, JC, Vanderstraeten, Verstraete, Mila, PRR 3, 2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Your statistical physics lecture, or Baxter's Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Your statistical physics lecture, or Baxter's Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Your statistical physics lecture, or Baxter's Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics
Your statistical physics lecture, or Baxter's Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
Partition functions of classical spin systems as a tensor network
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
MPQ Theory seminar - 27.01.2021
By Jeanne Colbois
MPQ Theory Seminar - 27.01.2021 - Hosted by Patrick Emonts
Physicist @ CNRS. Here you find slides for *some* of my presentations, as well as visual abstracts for recent publications.