Joe Karlsson
progress. tech. cats. coffee. art. food. photog. mpls.
React is built with performance in mind. But when is React slow? In this talk we’ll discuss common bottlenecks in React and when you might be making your program work harder than it should.
Join me as I uncover industry insights from experienced developers, as I breakdown critical career advice for job-seekers of all levels! You will leave with practical advice and tips for growing your career.
There is a famous double standard in cinema, but it's not the one you're thinking of.
React is built with performance in mind. But when is React slow? In this talk we’ll discuss common bottlenecks in React and when you might be making your program work harder than it should.
GraphQL is awesome! After only a year it has got a lot of attention from the community. Many implementations have emerged and it’s just getting better. Is GraphQL right for you? Is it a query language or runtime? In this talk I am going to take you from 0 to hero. ;)
I am here to help you through the coding interview process. Learn how to uncover the hints and hidden details in a question, discover how to break down a problem into manageable chunks, develop techniques to unstick yourself when stuck, learn (or re-learn) core computer science concepts.
Many of us have heard of Functional Programming, and all the benefits it is supposed to bring to our code. You may have also heard that it's really hard and kinda "mathy." You will learn how can it be applied to the real-world without have a Master degree in Mathematics.
The web has made great progress in enabling fast experiences, but building a fast site today isn’t trivial. At Best Buy, we want to build a performance culture in order to create a better shopping experience for our customers. In this talk, I will show you how to find and fix the most common web performance bottlenecks to improve your UX by using tools like Lighthouse and Chrome DevTools, and discover the latest browser APIs (e.g. Service Workers, Async Images, Fetch Priorities) to get more control over your loading experience.
Every tool, framework and language you are using today will be considered outdated in the next couple of years. How do you keep up in world where everything you love will die? Together, we will study the languages and ideas in programming that have withstood the test of time, in order to determine what you can learn today that will have the greatest impact on your career in 50 years.
React is built with performance in mind. But when is React slow? In this talk we’ll discuss common bottlenecks in React and when you might be making your program work harder than it should.
A brief presentation about me! Contains my personal journey and random coding advice.
Find out if your favorite film passes the test at
A slide deck by Joe Karlsson
a devleague slide deck by Tony
Exploring how to connect your IoT devices up to the world wide web.
basic currying in javascript
Finding your way around the world of Breadth and Depth First Search
Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
The future of HTTP
In terminal and node inspector
An exploration of the concept of this in JavaScript for only function invocation and method invocation. Constructor invokation and call/apply to come later.
Summary of the application of call, apply and bind in JavaScript. Their similarities and differences and application.
Data Types, Control, Loops
Reactive programming demo with Meteor and the Beibs.
Introduction to Promises
Introduction to Object Relational Mapping
Intro to Jade - A high performance template engine for JavaScript
The heart of Express
Intro to the ExpressJS Web Application Frameworks
The Internet is a series of tubes
An introduction to ES6
Allowing a function to call itself from within it's function scope.
An introduction to sorting algorithms.
Cascading Style Sheets
For People That Hate Math