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All decks 16
  • Copy of Erlang Applications

    WhatsApp, Klarna, Basho, AdRoll, Crytek, PrivatBank

  • Process Calculus

  • Exe Environment

  • Erlang Applications

    WhatsApp, Klarna, Basho, AdRoll, Crytek, PrivatBank

  • Protocol Multiplication

    This talk is about history of application level protocols.

  • Erlang in Persistence

  • Erlang in Web

  • Minimal in Software

  • Erlang in Business

    This talk is about SpawnProc Intermediary Processing Language UPL and Core Services BPE, DBS and FORMS.

  • Erlang Web Stack 2014

    N2O is optimized version of Nitrogen, well known Erlang Web Framework. But instead of Nitrogen, N2O is very fast, based on WebSockets protocol, supports REST handlers and works tightly coupled with Cowboy -- the fastest Erlang Web Server. Here is brief info about N2O and causes of its speed.

  • KVS

    KVS is statically typed, Erlang Term, abstract database with secondary indexes support and REST handler. It has default schema that was designed for social applications, blog engines, app stores.

  • Erlang at Voxoz

    Inspiration Talk for switch to proven technologies.

  • Typed Erlang

  • Erlang PaaS

    LXC, Xen, docker, Erlang, XenServer, N2O, KVS, MQS

  • Erlang from Technical and Business perspective

    The presentation targets CTO, CEO and decision maker audience.

  • N2O Erlang Web Framework

    N2O is optimized version of Nitrogen, well known Erlang Web Framework. But instead of Nitrogen, N2O is very fast, based on WebSockets protocol, supports REST handlers and works tightly coupled with Cowboy -- the fastest Erlang Web Server. Here is brief info about N2O and causes of its speed.