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  • Intro to Snake Handling: Enough Python to be Dangerous

  • In the beginning

    A quick look at the beginnings of North Point.

  • Creating Simple GIS Applications with Python

    Using a stand alone graphic user interface (GUI) allows for the development of powerful apps that can utilize a wide variety of GIS software and can be easily shared cross-platform. This workshop will teach you the basics of creating stand alone GUI’s for your Python scripts using the Tkinter native Python package. In this workshop, you will learn the necessary Python concepts for creating Tkinter GUI’s, including classes and modules, as well as how to utilize the many widgets available in the Tkinter package. We will also create several simple GIS tools with the Tkinter GUI and discuss tool sharing best practices. You’ll leave with the skills and knowledge necessary for creating your own stand alone Python app!

  • Creating Standalone Data Processing Applications with Python and Tkinter: What You Need to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask).

    Creating standalone data processing applications with Python and Tkinter allows for the development of powerful apps that can utilize a wide variety of GIS software that can easily be shared cross-platform. In this presentation, we will cover several benefits to creating a standalone data processing application, we will take a look at a few recent examples, and we will discuss available resources for creating your own standalone data processing application!

  • Avoiding the Snake Pit: Python Scripting with ArcGIS Pro

    For many years, ArcPy has been the “go-to” Python site package for geographic data analysis, data conversion, and map automation. With the release of ArcGIS Pro, users are introduced to the new Python 3.4 version of ArcPy. Like many changes to GIS software, the ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro transition is not without its growing pains. In this presentation, we will discuss the some of the common pitfalls encountered in the transition from Python 2.7 to 3.4, tips for utilizing the new ArcPy, and methods for configuring your computer to run standalone scripts for workflow automation.

  • Maximizing Your Efficiency by Utilizing ArcGIS Applications

  • Creating Simple GIS Applications with Python Spring 2016

    Using a stand alone graphic user interface (GUI) allows for the development of powerful apps that can utilize a wide variety of GIS software and can be easily shared cross-platform. This workshop will teach you the basics of creating stand alone GUI’s for your Python scripts using the Tkinter native Python package. In this workshop, you will learn the necessary Python concepts for creating Tkinter GUI’s, including classes and modules, as well as how to utilize the many widgets available in the Tkinter package. We will also create several simple GIS tools with the Tkinter GUI and discuss tool sharing best practices. You’ll leave with the skills and knowledge necessary for creating your own stand alone Python app!