Creating Simple

GIS Applications

with Python

Sam Giebner

Jesse Adams


Workshop Materials


Introduction - Tools & Tkinter

    Exercise #1


Classes - Code organization

    Exercise #2


Hooks - Capture user interaction

    Exercise #3


Modules - Connecting the dots

    Exercise #4

What is your experience with Python?

  1. A python is a type of snake
  2. Dabbled
  3. Aspiring apprentice
  4. Regular user
  5. Snake Charmer

Why create a Python GUI?





  • Save time
  • Eliminate/reduce error
  • Fill gaps in existing tools
  • Amplify everyday and non-GIS users

Sharing Script/Tools

Traditional Options:

  • Standalone script
  • Script in an ArcGIS Toolbox
  • ArcGIS Python Add-in

Great, but...

Why would I create a standalone data processing application?

  • Lightweight
  • Efficient
  • Stable
  • "On the fly" data validation
  • Fully customizable user experience
  • "Reactive" error handling
  • Not reliant on ESRI products
  • *Cross-platform
  • *No Installation


What is Tkinter?

  • most commonly used GUI toolkit for Python 
  • object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk
    • Tcl: Tool Command Languege
    • Tk: standard Tcl GUI toolkit 

basically, it's a collection of Python modules

Tkinter App: 3 Main Parts

1. Tk instance

2. Widgets

3. Tkinter event loop

Tk Instance

    from Tkinter import *

    root = Tk()

18 Core Widget Classes

  • Button

  • Canvas

  • Checkbutton

  • Entry

  • Frame

  • Label

  • Listbox

  • Menu

  • Menubutton

  • Message

  • Radiobutton

  • Scale

  • Scrollbar

  • Text

  • Toplevel

  • LabelFrame

  • PanedWindow

  • Spinbox
    # Create widget instance     
    new_button = Button(tk_instance)

    # Style widget
    new_button['text'] = 'Click Here'
    new_button['command'] = do_something()

    # Place widget
    new_button.grid(row=0, column=2)

Widget Workflow

Initiate Tkinter event loop


Exercise 1


What are they?

  • A fundamental building block of Python
  • Logical grouping of data and functions
  • Blueprint for createing objects
  • Include bound functions called methods

    class NewClass():

        def __init__(self):

        def method_one(self):
            print("I'm a method!")

__init__ & self

self: refers to the object instance


__init__: the method that initilzes the instance

Application Organization

Interface (view) class

  • generates interface
  • handles user interaction
  • connects to processing modules

Processing (controller) class

  • processes data provided by user (via view)
  • returns product to interface

Exercise 2


Hooks or Callbacks

Capture, tie in user interaction

def callback():
    print "clicked!"

Button(text="click me", command=callback)
def callback(number):
    print "button", number

Button(text="one",   command=lambda: callback(1)).pack()
Button(text="two",   command=lambda: callback(2)).pack()
Button(text="three", command=lambda: callback(3)).pack()

Using a single callback for multiple widgets; lamda allows for passing args to callback

Exercise 3


What is a Module?

  • A Python object that you can bind and reference
    • Contain:
      • Functions
      • Classes
      • Variables
      • Runnable code



What is a Package?

  • A collection of related modules


Global import:

    from data_processing.csv2shp_esri import CSV2SHP_ESRI

    import arcpy

Local import:

  • adding directories to the python path sys.append

Exercise 4

Distributing Your App


  • Execution

  • Dependencies


Run the python (.py) script


Run batch (shell) script that calls python script

  • ​​Useful for sending system parameters to app (such as python version)


Use a packaging system like PyInstaller to create a single-file executable

  • Beware that these setups might fail to include system-wide installs like arcpy



Make sure all application dependencies are installed in the root directory of the primary python script

  • This may not be possible with libraries such as arcpy, and the end-user should be aware of application requirements such as this


Avoid hard-coding path names


Folder structure should remain intact


Packaging systems can help with some of these issues


Thank You

Sam Giebner

Jesse Adams

Creating Simple GIS Applications with Python

By North Point Geographic Solutions

Creating Simple GIS Applications with Python

Using a stand alone graphic user interface (GUI) allows for the development of powerful apps that can utilize a wide variety of GIS software and can be easily shared cross-platform. This workshop will teach you the basics of creating stand alone GUI’s for your Python scripts using the Tkinter native Python package. In this workshop, you will learn the necessary Python concepts for creating Tkinter GUI’s, including classes and modules, as well as how to utilize the many widgets available in the Tkinter package. We will also create several simple GIS tools with the Tkinter GUI and discuss tool sharing best practices. You’ll leave with the skills and knowledge necessary for creating your own stand alone Python app!

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