Blame it on React Native
The Secret Life Of Side Projects (reversim)
Short presentation about the advantages of side projects and how to do them successfully
Intro to React Native
Build your own react 16:9
Build your own react - 4:3
Building a Facebook Bot
The Secret Life Of Side Projects
Short presentation about the advantages of side projects and how to do them successfully
Dashboard SDK
Angular Native {N} - The New Frontier
Not long ago, the angular team teamed up with an open source project called native script {N} and set up a new vision. They want to let people write 100% native apps using their favorite language (JS, duh) and their favorite framework (Angular 2.0, double duh) In this talk we'll see a small POC of this technology and learn how you can create your very own cross platform 100% native app using angular 2.0 and {N}
How NOT to test your angular application
TDD Live!
TDD in JavaScript - not a myth
Media Queries in JS
Short Presentation on how to write media queries using js.