• deck

  • deck

  • VCON

    VCON.io - a platform for remote firmware update and device management for microcontrollers

  • Programming microcontrollers

  • Mongoose OS

  • Copy of War stories. Part 2

    This presentation goes over notable and sometimes funny software engineering experiences from the past

  • Using JSON in C/C++

  • Smart.js IoT platform

    Describes the architecture of Smart.js, a JavaScript-enabled firmware for the embedded devices

  • Remote stack overflow attack explained

    Explanation of the remove buffer overflow attack

  • Coroutines in C/C++

    Use cases and implementations for coroutines in C/C++

  • Smart.js - JavaScript for IoT devices

    Describes the architecture of Smart.js, a JavaScript-enabled firmware for the embedded devices

  • C fundamentals

    This talk is for beginners: it explains how C programs are built

  • Smart.js IoT platform

  • War stories. Part 1

    This presentation goes over notable and sometimes funny software engineering experiences from the past

  • V7 memory footprint optimization

    This presentation describes memory optimization and garbage collection techniques used by V7 embedded JavaScript engine

  • API evolution and keyword arguments in C