Coroutines in C/C++

by Sergey Lyubka, Cesanta


Typical parser

// Producer function
static int consume(void) {
  return getchar();

// Consumer function
static void tokenize(void) {
  int c;
  while ((c = consume()) != EOF) {
    if (isdigit(c)) {
      do {
        c = consume();
      } while (isdigit(c));
    if (!isspace(c)) {
  • Tokenizer calls input reader
  • Input reader returns one character at a time
  • Parser can call tokenizer - then, tokenizer should return one token at a time

Complicating structure

  • What if input source is not a simple stdin
  • But e.g. a stream from a compressor library
  • Or from a network socket?
// Before
static int consume(void) {
  return getchar();

// After
static int consume(void) {
  size_t i, n;
  char buf[10];
  while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin)) > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      MAGIC_RETURN buf[i];  // <--- Simple return won't work
  MAGIC_RETURN EOF;  // <--- Simple return won't work

Coroutine: function with state

// To save state, all local variables are declared static
static int consume(void) {
  static size_t i, n;
  static char buf[10];
  static int state;
  switch (state) {
    case 0:
    while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin)) > 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        state = 1;
        return buf[i];
        case 1:;
  return EOF;

Few helpful macros

// Coroutine macros
#define CR_BEGIN static int state = 0; switch (state) { case 0:
#define YIELD(x) do { state = __LINE__; return x; case __LINE__:; } while (0)
#define CR_END }

static int consume(void) {
  static size_t i, n;
  static char buf[10];
  while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin)) > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

No code modification?

  • The "switch" solution requires to:
    • Declare variables that should persist state as static
    • Wrap function into CR_BEGIN / CR_END macros
  • Is it possible to keep function code intact?
  • Problem:
    • C/C++ uses CPU stack for the function calls
    • The hack above makes state saving possible by declaring variables static
    • If variables are not static, coroutine should execute in it's own stack
    • There is no standard C function that provides new context creation
    • Is it possible to create coroutines from standard C function in standard C?

No code modification?

Thank You!

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Coroutines in C/C++

By Sergey Lyubka

Coroutines in C/C++

Use cases and implementations for coroutines in C/C++

  • 1,478