Let's Debian
This slide is made for the purpose of my major and minor projects.
What are PU? (MiniDebConf India '21)
This slide is made for the purpose of my MiniDebConf India '21 talk.
This slide is made for the purpose of my OOAD class presentation.
RuboCop :: Packaging (DC20)
This slide is made for the purpose of my DC20 talk.
RuboCop :: Packaging
This slide is made for the purpose of my major and minor projects.
Loomio Packaging
This slide is made for the purpose of NTCC-II.
DebConf 21 Bid
This presentation is for DebConf21's India's bid :)
This presentation is for presenting my GSoC19 project in DebConf, Brazil.
Newbie's Perspective towards Debian
Presentation for my first talk ever :)
This slide is made for the purpose of English Class Presentation.
Web Scraping Using Python
This slide is made for the purpose of NTCC.