Packaging Loomio for Debian repositories!
Debian Maintainer
Mentors: Abhijith PA (abhijith@d.o) &
Raju Devidas (
$ whoami
➣ 19 y/o Debian Maintainer;
➣ 2nd-year undergraduate student;
➣ Google Code-In Mentor;
➣ PSF Member and a Contributor;
➣ GSoC'19 with Debian;
➣ utkarsh2102 across the web;
$ whatis loomio
Loomio is a decision-making software designed to assist groups with the collaborative decision-making process. It is a free software web application, where users can initiate discussions and put up proposals.
How does it look?
Something like..
What needs to be done?
Loomio is mostly written in Ruby, CoffeeScript, Vue, and JavaScript.
It has 89 direct Ruby dependencies;
73 direct Node dependencies;
and requires mdi (2.2.43) and roboto-v18-* fonts to be packaged.
Oh well, dependencies have sub-dependencies as well :c
In total, there are 134 Ruby gems and 127 Node modules to be packaged!
Thankfully, some are packaged; just needs to be upgraded or downgraded as per the version required.
And what happens in case of test failures?
Total work done till now?
➣ Almost all Ruby gems fixed & uploaded (50+);
➣ Test failures for gems fixed (except 2);
➣ Setting up loomio-installer;
What all is left now?
➣ Fixing and setting up loomio-installer;
➣ Fix and upload all the node modules;
➣ And then upload *loomio*;
Of course, it is not possible to complete the whole project by the end of GSoC :c
But I will continue to work on it after GSoC, with my DM/DD hat on \o/
Other Debian activities
➣ Helping and maintenance of packages
like Diaspora, GitLab, Rails, et al;
➣ Uploading, reviewing, and sponsoring
other's packages;
➣ Help in Nodejs transition, did 74
packages in the JavaScript team;
➣ Solving RC and CVE bugs (42 in total);
➣ Helping Ruby-team, Node-team,
Golang-team, and Perl-team;
Other Debian activities
➣ Part of bursary and content team for
➣ Participating in Perl Sprints at
Thank you!
Have questions;
Ask them right away!
~ utkarsh2102
By utkarsh2102
This presentation is for presenting my GSoC19 project in DebConf, Brazil.
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