• Minimal

  • Minimal

  • Minimal

  • Minimal

  • NestJS through the eyes of developer - part#2

    * Principles of building sustainable API * NestJS modules * Declarative approach * Feature Modules Approach * Dependency Injection * Hands on experience with module, controller, service * Parameters handling * Have fun with swagger

  • NestJS through the eyes of developer - part#1

    * Principles of building sustainable API * NestJS modules * Declarative approach * Feature Modules Approach * Dependency Injection * Hands on experience with module, controller, service * Parameters handling * Have fun with swagger

  • React Query Hooks

  • E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours

    Having adequate test coverage means a lot for the good API. But what can make the whole life pathetic is endless mocking of data and functions for integration tests. Every time you've changed the code you need to fix the mock. After several iterations the correct thought is - what's went wrong? Alternative approach is e2e tests for the API. Which require only minimal mocks and data preparation. The rest - pure code of your API. Change the code - e2e test remains the same. This talk is about my experience of switching from integration tests to e2e tests for the API, proc and cons and how I started to feel happy about tests.

  • NestJS Workshop for DevDays.lt

    Slides for conference topic Runtime Type Safety in Typescript. This practical and also philosophical talk about how to make work with TS safer if this is possible at all.

  • Runtime Type Safety in Typescript for DevDays Typescript

    Slides for conference topic Runtime Type Safety in Typescript. This practical and also philosophical talk about how to make work with TS safer if this is possible at all.

  • RAVEn - work with map for the first time in my life

    Slides for conference topic RAVEn - work with map for the first time in my life

  • Runtime Type Safety in Typescript for Berlin Typescript

    Slides for conference topic Runtime Type Safety in Typescript. This practical and also philosophical talk about how to make work with TS safer if this is possible at all.

  • Tech Debt - for .NET Round Table

  • Runtime Type Safety in Typescript for jsPoland

    Slides for conference topic Runtime Type Safety in Typescript. This practical and also philosophical talk about how to make work with TS safer if this is possible at all.

  • Angular Bad Practices Heidelberg

    improved Bad Practices talk for ngHeidelberg meetup, July 2020

  • NestJS - backend out of the box

    Full Stack разработка сейчас обычное дело. Таким программистам нужно знать как фронтенд, так и бекенд. Благодаря JavaScript и NodeJS мы можем работать с примерно одинаковыми средами исполнения как на сервере, так и в браузере. Но чистый NodeJS, как и чистый JavaScript, не всегда позволяет быстро написать читабельный и прогнозируемый код. Мой опыт Full Stack разработки был переписан буквально заново благодаря NestJS. Сейчас этот фреймворк обрел значительную популярность, но у него есть скрытые жемчужины. В ходе презентации я покажу структуру проекта NestJS, с которым работаю в настоящее время. Мы вместе посмотрим как NestJS можно удобно использовать внутри моно репозитория, цикл обработки входящих запросов, собственные декораторы и какие неочевидные инструменты доступны прямо из коробки.

  • Mighty Decorators in Typescript (for ngPoland meetup))

    Mighty @Decorators in Typescript

  • Mighty Decorators in Typescript - what could we get out of it

    Initial version of slides for topic

  • Runtime Type Safety in Typescript

    Initial version of slides for topic

  • Http Client

  • Workshop for GDG Gorky: Smells like Angular Spirit, NestJS

    Presentation about NestJS framework, how it naturally fits Angular frontend

  • Angular Bad Practices Gorky

    Update bad practices version for Gorky Dev Fest 2019, November 16

  • Smells like Angular Spirit: NestJS as natural backend for Angular

    Presentation about NestJS framework, how it naturally fits Angular frontend

  • Angular Bad Practices

  • Dive into Agile