acm first general meeting

ACM: Association for Computing Machinery

  • What is ACM?
    The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is an academic and professional organization devoted to bring Computer Science students beyond the four walls of a classroom and into the real world. We focus on knowledge growth, professional development, and leadership. With committees, research projects, programming competitions, and networking, we at ACM provide you the tools and experience to help your education and your future. We encourage CS/CE/BI and all majors to participate in our activities and events.
    • From the ACM National Chapter
      ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession.


  • What do we do?
    • Programming Competitions
    • Workshops/Tech Talks
    • Help students understand CS concepts
    • Interview/Resume Workshops

Meet The Officers

  • Get to know us, we're nice people. No, really.

  • Don't be afraid to ask us about some of the inner workings of ACM

  • Don't be afraid to tell us we're doing something wrong

  • Check the website ( for blog posts by us. They could be important!

ACM Chair: Miguel Martinez


Evolve ACM into a great resource for developing your communication and technical skills while maintaining a healthy social environment.


  • Increase the amount of active members in ACM
  • Get ACM members to become more involved with events and social activities.

ACM Vice-Chair: Brandon Huynh


Assure political, economical, social, and physical stability in the club as well as serving as a go to person for any questions or concerns when the Chair is unavailable or unable to.


  • Make sure the club maintains Political & Economic stability
  • Make sure the club maintains Social & Physical stability
  • Stand in and act as Chair when the Chair is unable to complete his/her duties

ACM Treasurer: Samuel Hong


The duty of the treasurer is to keep the club's activities funded while staying profitable.


  • Manage the Club's Finances
  • Keep the Club Funded
  • Keep Accurate Financial Records

ACM Secretary: Christine Hawley


Create more social activities for club members such as outdoor events that will motivate others and myself to become more socially active and healthy.


  • Make ACM emails more visually stunning to attract more people to our events
  • Gain Leadership and Group Planning Skills

ACM Historian: Elias Bravo


I strive to strongly link communication between ACM officers. Take note on all events and activities to bring up our flaws in order to improve our quality.


  • Send “Reminder e-mails” to club officers and create a “Progress Sheet”
  • Keep a record book that holds documented information from general and officer meetings.
  • Create an ACM History Book

ACM Membership Coordinator: Fernando Gonzalez


Organize ACM membership to get the most members and to communicate effectively to each member about the club’s events and meetings.


  • Increase the advertisement of ACM
  • Communicate effectively to ACM members
  • Effective membership signup

ACM Webmaster: John Sullivan


Create an easy-to-use, feature-rich system for front-end and back-end users through a well-polished and secure web portal


  • Imrpove and maintain our official ACM @ UCR website using good web design and development standards
  • Allow authors with correct permissions to add their articles to the site
  • Maintain an open-sourced implementation of the website, likely hosted on github, to generate user contribution

ACM Resource Manager: Josh Giem


Keep the Fridge stocked, and reduce resource waste.


  • Make sure no one goes without soda.
  • Occasionally assist with ACM duties.
  • Provide the (unofficial) Monday Morning Food Lift. (Free Food on Mondays)
  • Be awesome!

the  ACM Website

Powered by Flask, WePay, and Google OAuth2

Membership Signup

  • You can sign up on the ACM website.
  • Fill out Membership Form and turn in to an officer along with $20

Table top Game night

  • Get a chance to socialize amongst fellow ACM members while playing board games!
    Where: ACM Club Room WCH 226
    What time: Friday 5 pm - ??

    • Monopoly, Risk, Cranium, Scrabble
    • Bring your Magic/Yu-Gi-Oh Cards!
    Snacks will be provided!

ACM ICPC Competition

Programming competition on November 9th
at Riverside Community College

  • We will be sending 3 or 4 teams
  • Must be an ACM member
  • Preferably completed or enrolled in CS100 & CS111
  • First come first serve

Training sessions will be held before the competition
  • Lead by Dr. Marek Chrobak and/or Mike Izbicki

Embedded Systems Workshops

  • Introduction to embedded systems on a smaller scale.
  • Only requirement is to be taking CS 010
  • Year-Long Project using the Arduino Uno
    Starting on 10/14
    When: Mondays & Fridays
    Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
    Where: WCH 136

Video Game Tournament

  • Halo 4 Teams of 4
  • CoD Black Ops 2
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Dota 2 Teams of 5
  • Any Other Suggestions? Please let us know after the meeting or email us at

acm Shirt

  • Shirts for last year members

acm first general meeting

By acmucr

acm first general meeting

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