Service Worker

Crash Course

Rafael Fernandes



Привет, товарищи!


That's me!



  • What are service workers
  • Philosophy behind service workers
  • Service worker life cycle
  • Last minute special: state changes
  • After class extras:
    • Detecting connection via javascript?
    • Tips for development
  • Q&A

Service Workers?

Has its own thread (remember web workers?)

No DOM access!



Allows offline functionality

Able to intercept fetch requests

Useful in slow connectivity scenarios / li-fi

It's still all javascript!

Service Workers?

web page


Service Workers?


web page


Cache storage (sw cache)

Service Workers?


web page


Cache storage (sw cache)

Philosophy time!

Philosophy time!

  • Get as much resources as possible cached on the browser and cache new assets in real time
  • Cached information is better than nothing or waiting ages for a slow network
  • The user is happy in all scenarios:
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Li-fi

Offline first philosophy:

Service Worker life cycle

Checking availability

Service Worker life cycle

Registering a service worker

Yep, it's that easy!

Service Worker life cycle

Careful with your scope!

Service Worker life cycle

First install diagram

Service Worker life cycle


First event, triggered as soon as it executes

Once per service worker

Opportunity to start caching before being able to control clients

The promise passed to event.waitUntil() tells the browser when instalation is successful

If promise rejects, install has failed and service worker is thrown away :(

Service Worker life cycle


Service Worker life cycle


Ready to control clients

Does not guarantee that the page that called .register() will be controlled

If a page loads without a service worker, neither will its sub-resources. If you load a second time though, fetch events will be intercepted.

Handle push and sync

Service Worker life cycle


Life cycle on updates

What about service worker updates?

Life cycle on updates

Cool diagram!

Life cycle on updates


Will be triggered after version has changed

Allows to set up a new cache without overwriting current one, which the "old" service worker is using

Some cache might not be version specific (avatars, logo, etc.)

Life cycle on updates


Activation is delayed until existing service worker no longer controls clients

Guarantees only one version of the service worker is running

Refreshing might not be enough.

The current page doesn't go away until the response headers have been received, and even if response has a Content-Disposition header.

Similar to how Chrome updates.

Life cycle on updates


When old service worker is gone

New service worker can control clients

Time to migrate databases / clear caches

Please do delete old caches!

Lifecycle extra points

Skipping the waiting phase

When old service worker is gone

New service worker can control clients

Lifecycle extra points

Updating... Manually?  ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯

It's also possible to force an update via code!

Last minute special!

Callbacks for state changes


Client finding when the controller has changed

Last minute special!

After class extras

You can detect when you're online and offline!

After class extras

Readable streams - the new boy on the block:​​​​​


Browsers are already pretty good at interpreting streams


Streaming HTML, in collusion with best practices (e.g. inline CSS) can drastically increase First Meaningful Paint time


Useful gist:

A bit of (shameless)

self promotion

Progressive Web App experiment available at:

The last slide, phew!

OK, I'll shut up now.

Unless, maybe...


Service Worker Crash Course

By ajrkemp

Service Worker Crash Course

  • 857