This is you

You are a brain

You Live HerE

In a skull

in the dark


The map is not

the territory

You can only see your map

but it feels like reality

This is what it feels like
to be a brain

Why aren't maps perfect?

  1. Can't observe the entire territory

  2. Can't process the entire territory, in real time

  3. Systematic human biases
Stereotyping, defensiveness, hindsight bias,
planning fallacy,  conjunction fallacy,
confirmation fallacy, false consensus effect
priming, contamination,   illusion of transparency, 
the halo effect, dunning-kruger effect,
availability  heuristic, affect heuristic,
wishful thinking

You are a brain

By Alex Willmer

You are a brain

A 5 minute lightning talk given at PyCon UK 2013, on rationality and biases

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