
Testing the Untestable

A beginner's guide to mock objects

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Testing the Untestable

A beginner's guide to mock objects

  • Example based
  • Some theory/definitions
  • pytest
  • python3


Why am I here?



class ConferenceSpeaker(object):
    def __init__(self, name, twitterhandle):
        self.name = name
        self.twitterhandle = twitterhandle
    def greet(self, delegates):
        for delegate in delegates:
            delegate.speakto("Hi my name is {0.name}, follow me"
                             "on twitter @{0.twitterhandle}".format(self))

Easy Example

class ConferenceSpeaker(object):
    def __init__(self, name, twitterhandle):
        self.name = name
        self.twitterhandle = twitterhandle
    def greet(self, delegates):
        for delegate in delegates:
            delegate.speakto("Hi my name is {0.name}, follow me"
                             "on twitter @{0.twitterhandle}".format(self))

Easy Example

System Under Test (SUT)

The "system under test". It is short for "whatever thing we are testing".


class ConferenceSpeaker(object):
    def __init__(self, name, twitterhandle):
        self.name = name
        self.twitterhandle = twitterhandle
    def greet(self, delegates):
        for delegate in delegates:
            delegate.speakto("Hi my name is {0.name}, follow me"
                             "on twitter @{0.twitterhandle}".format(self))

Easy Example

import re
import simpletweeter

TWITTER_REGEX = re.compile(".*follow me on twitter @(\w+)")

class ConferenceDelegate(object):
    def __init__(self, credentialsfile):
        self.credentialsfile = credentialsfile
    def speakto(self, message):
        matched = TWITTER_REGEX.match(message)
        if matched:
            simpletweeter.tweet("Amazing talk from @" + matched.groups()[0],

Not so easy

from mocking import ConferenceSpeaker

def test_speaker_greets_sole_delegate_no_mocks():
    sut = ConferenceSpeaker("Andy Burrows", "andrewburrows")

    class TestDelegate(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.calls = []
        def speakto(self, msg):
            self.calls.append(("speakto", msg)) 
    delegate = TestDelegate()
    assert delegate.calls == [("speakto", "Hi my name is Andy Burrows, "
                               "follow me on twitter @andrewburrows")]

If it quacks like a duck...

from mocking import ConferenceSpeaker, ConferenceDelegate
from unittest.mock import Mock, call

def test_speaker_greets_sole_delegate():
    # Arrange
    sut = ConferenceSpeaker("Andy Burrows", "andrewburrows")
    delegate = Mock()
    # Act
    # Assert
    delegate.speakto.assert_called_once_with("Hi my name is Andy Burrows, "
                                             "follow me on twitter @andrewburrows")

Mock FTW!!!

>>> from unittest.mock import Mock

>>> my_mock = Mock()
>>> my_mock
<Mock id='56147192'>

>>> my_mock = Mock(name="my_mock")
>>> my_mock
<Mock name='my_mock' id='56191128'>

>>> my_mock.hello
<Mock name='my_mock.hello' id='56146744'>

>>> my_mock()
<Mock name='my_mock()' id='56202912'>

>>> my_mock.a_method(1, 2, 3)
<Mock name='my_mock.a_method()' id='56147192'>

It's Mocks all the way down

parlez-vous mocks?

Test Double - any pretend object used for testing


parlez-vous mocks?

Test Double - any pretend object used for testing

Fake - e.g. a in memory database used in place of the real DB



parlez-vous mocks?

Test Double - any pretend object used for testing

Fake - e.g. a in memory database used in place of the real DB

Dummy - Dummy value used to pad out an argument list or trace the flow of data through our program. Can not interact with the SUT. In python we use a sentinel.


parlez-vous mocks?

Test Double - any pretend object used for testing

Fake - e.g. a in memory database used in place of the real DB

Dummy - Dummy value used to pad out an argument list or trace the flow of data through our program. Can not interact with the SUT. In python we use a sentinel.

Mock - Pretend object which records interactions and allows the test code to assert these match expectations.


parlez-vous mocks?

Test Double - any pretend object used for testing

Fake - e.g. a in memory database used in place of the real DB

Dummy - Dummy value used to pad out an argument list or trace the flow of data through our program. Can not interact with the SUT. In python we use a sentinel.

Mock - Pretend object which records interactions and allows the test code to assert these match expectations.

Stub - Pretend object which supports limited, canned interactions with the SUT. In python we use a Mock with a side_effect.

Spy - see Mock


from mocking import ConferenceSpeaker, ConferenceDelegate
from unittest.mock import Mock, call

def test_speaker_greets_sole_delegate():
    # Arrange
    sut = ConferenceSpeaker("Andy Burrows", "andrewburrows")
    delegate = Mock()
    # Act
    # Assert
    delegate.speakto.assert_called_once_with("Hi my name is Andy Burrows, "
                                             "follow me on twitter @andrewburrows")


def test_speaker_greets_sole_delegate_v2():  
    # Arrange
    sut = ConferenceSpeaker("Andy Burrows", "andrewburrows")
    delegate = Mock()
    # Act
    # Assert
    assert delegate.mock_calls == [call.speakto("Hi my name is Andy Burrows, "
                                                "follow me on twitter @andrewburrows")]


>>> m = Mock()
>>> m.foo('hello')
>>> m.bar('world')
>>> x = m(0)
>>> x.hello(123)
>>> print(m.mock_calls)
[call.foo('hello'), call.bar('world'), call(0), call().hello(123)]
def test_speaker_greets_sole_delegate_v3():  
    # Arrange
    sut = ConferenceSpeaker("Andy Burrows", "andrewburrows")
    delegate = Mock(spec=ConferenceDelegate)
    # Act
>>> m = Mock(spec=ConferenceDelegate)
>>> m.snore(volume="LOUD")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mocking\tests\test_conference_speaker.py", line 83, in <module>
  File "unittest\mock.py", line 557, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError("Mock object has no attribute %r" % name)
AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'snore'


import re
import simpletweeter

TWITTER_REGEX = re.compile(".*follow me on twitter @(\w+)")

class ConferenceDelegate(object):
    def __init__(self, credentialsfile):
        self.credentialsfile = credentialsfile
    def speakto(self, message):
        matched = TWITTER_REGEX.match(message)
        if matched:
            simpletweeter.tweet("Amazing talk from @" + matched.groups()[0],

Harder Example

import re
import simpletweeter

TWITTER_REGEX = re.compile(".*follow me on twitter @(\w+)")

class ConferenceDelegate(object):
    def __init__(self, credentialsfile):
        self.credentialsfile = credentialsfile
    def speakto(self, message):
        matched = TWITTER_REGEX.match(message)
        if matched:
            simpletweeter.tweet("Amazing talk from @" + matched.groups()[0],

Harder Example

from unittest.mock import sentinel, patch

def test_delegate_tweets_if_message_contains_twitter_handle():
    sut = ConferenceDelegate(sentinel.credentialsfile)
    with patch("simpletweeter.tweet") as mock_tweet:
        sut.speakto("Hi, why not follow me on twitter @manahltech")
    mock_tweet.assert_called_once_with("Amazing talk from @manahltech",


def test_delegate_tweets_if_message_contains_twitter_handle():
    sut = ConferenceDelegate(sentinel.credentialsfile)
    with patch("mocking.conferencedelegate.tweet") as mock_tweet:
        sut.speakto("Hi, why not follow me on twitter @manahltech")
    mock_tweet.assert_called_once_with("Amazing talk from @manahltech",
import re
from simpletweeter import tweet

TWITTER_REGEX = re.compile(".*follow me on twitter @(\w+)")

class ConferenceDelegate(object):
    def speakto(self, message):
        matched = TWITTER_REGEX.match(message)
        if matched:
            tweet("Amazing talk from @" + matched.groups()[0],
from unittest.mock import sentinel, patch

def test_delegate_tweets_if_message_contains_twitter_handle():
    sut = ConferenceDelegate(sentinel.credentialsfile)
    with patch("simpletweeter.tweet") as mock_tweet:
        sut.speakto("Hi, why not follow me on twitter @manahltech")
    mock_tweet.assert_called_once_with("Amazing talk from @manahltech",


import tweeterapi
from os.path import expanduser

CREDENTIALS_FILE = expanduser("~/twittercredentials.cfg")

def tweet(msg, credentials_file=CREDENTIALS_FILE):
    """Sends a tweet using the login credentials supplied in a file and 
    retries up to 5 times in the even of a failure.

        msg (str): The message to be tweeted.
        credentials_file (str): The path of the file containing the login credentials to use.
    username, password = _read_credentials(credentials_file)

    t = tweeterapi.Tweeter(username, password)
    for _ in range(5):
        if t.tweet(msg):
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to tweet")


@patch('simpletweeter._read_credentials', return_value=(sentinel.username, sentinel.password))
def test_tweet_raises_exception_on_failure(_, mock_tweeter):
    mock_tweeter.return_value.tweet.return_value = False
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
        tweet(sentinel.message, sentinel.credentials_file)
    assert str(err.value) == "Unable to tweet"


@patch('simpletweeter._read_credentials', return_value=(sentinel.username, sentinel.password))
def test_tweet_raises_exception_on_failure(_, mock_tweeter):
    mock_tweeter.return_value.tweet.return_value = False
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
        tweet(sentinel.message, sentinel.credentials_file)
    assert str(err.value) == "Unable to tweet"


@patch('simpletweeter._read_credentials', return_value=(sentinel.username, sentinel.password))
def test_tweet_retries_on_failure(_, mock_tweeter):
    mock_tweeter.return_value.tweet.side_effect = [False, False, True]
    tweet(sentinel.message, sentinel.credentials_file)
    mock_tweeter.mock_calls = [call(sentinel.username, sentinel.password),



  • sequence
  • exception
  • function/lambda
  • Effectively makes a stub
  • Occasionally useful
  • "Bad code smell" if all your tests rely heavily on defining side effects


from simpletweeter import tweet

class ConferenceDelegate(object):
    def smalltalk(self, delegate):
        if delegate.speakto("Hello.") in ("hello", "hi"):
            if delegate.speakto("Good conference?") in ("yes", "yup", "not bad", "yeah"):
                best_bit = delegate.speakto("What has been your favourite part?")
                delegate.speakto("Really, I didn't go to that.")
                delegate.speakto("Nice chatting with you, gotta go.")
                tweet("Absolutely loved " + best_bit)

Making conversation

def test_successful_conversation_using_side_effect():
    stranger = Mock(name="stranger")

    def stranger_speakto(msg):
        if msg == "Hello.":
            return "hi"
        elif msg == "Good conference?":
            return "not bad"
        elif msg == "What has been your favourite part?":
            return "a brilliant talk on mocks"
        elif msg == "Really, I didn't go to that.":
            return "shame, it was amazing"
        elif msg == "Nice chatting with you, gotta go.":
            return "laters"
    stranger.speakto.side_effect = stranger_speakto
    delegate = ConferenceDelegate()
    with patch("mocking.conferencedelegate4.tweet") as mock_tweet:
    mock_tweet.assert_called_once_with("Absolutely loved a brilliant talk on mocks")


def test_successful_conversation():
    s= Mock(name="stranger")
    when(s.speakto).called_with("Good conference?").then("not bad")
    when(s.speakto).called_with("What has been your favourite part?").then("a brilliant talk on mocks")
    when(s.speakto).called_with("Really, I didn't go to that.").then("shame, it was amazing")
    when(s.speakto).called_with("Nice chatting with you, gotta go.").then("laters")
    delegate = ConferenceDelegate()
    with patch("mocking.conferencedelegate4.tweet") as mock_tweet:
    mock_tweet.assert_called_once_with("Absolutely loved a brilliant talk on mocks")



Beware the Dark Side

Do Mock

  • Webservices
  • Sending email
  • Database access
  • "Production"
  • Disc
  • Environment vars
  • 3rd party APIs
  • Randomness
  • Time

Beware the Dark Side


Don't mock

Do Mock

  • Webservices
  • Sending email
  • Database access
  • "Production"
  • Disc
  • Environment vars
  • 3rd party APIs
  • Randomness
  • Time
  • Builtin types
  • "Builtin" types
  • numpy/pandas
  • "Structs"

Beware the Dark Side


Don't mock

Do Mock

  • Webservices
  • Sending email
  • Database access
  • "Production"
  • Disc
  • Environment vars
  • 3rd party APIs
  • Randomness
  • Time
  • Builtin types
  • "Builtin" types
  • numpy/pandas
  • "Structs"

Beware the Dark Side

?? Everything else ??



  • A classical TDD approach is to use real object wherever possible only using a stub/fake/mock when it is difficult to use the real thing.
  • The Mockist style prefers to use Mocks for any object with "interesting behaviour".

Two Schools

  • are brittle to changes in the SUT
  • are expensive to maintain
  • often get thrown away during refactoring
  • give mocks a bad name
  • are easy to write ;)
  • boost coverage stats ;)


Over mocked tests:

class ConferenceDelegate(object):

    def rate_talk(self,
        return number_of_kitten_pics * (usefulness_of_content
                                        + clarity_of_presentation)


def test_delegate_can_rate_a_talk():
    kittens = MagicMock(name="number_of_kitten_pics")
    usefulness = MagicMock(name="usefulness_of_content")
    clarity = MagicMock(name="clarity_of_presentation")
    delegate = ConferenceDelegate()
    result = delegate.rate_talk(kittens, usefulness, clarity)
    assert result is kittens.__mul__.return_value
    assert kittens.mock_calls == [('__mul__', (usefulness.__add__.return_value,))]
    assert usefulness.mock_calls == [('__add__', (clarity,))]


                         [(1, 1, 1, 2), # ticks all the boxes
                          (0, 1, 1, 0), # no cats no points
                          (1, 0, 1, 1), # lacking content
                          (1, 1, 0, 1), # lacking clarity
                          (10, 0, 1, 10), # loadz of cats
                          (10, 1, 0, 10), # loadz of cats
                          (1, 10, 1, 11), # great content
                          (1, 1, 10, 11), # great delivery
def test_delegate_can_rate_a_talk_no_mocks(kittens, usefulness, clarity, expected_rating):
    delegate = ConferenceDelegate()
    assert expected_rating == delegate.rate_talk(kittens, usefulness, clarity)


  • Write tests
  • Use mocks they are easy and fun
  • patch is a great tool to inject mocks into your code
  • I love sentinels - so should you
  • Function side_effects are an "occasional treat"
  • Never "over mock"






Opinions expressed are those of the author and may not be shared by all personnel of Man Group plc (‘Man’). These opinions are subject to change without notice, are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer or invitation to make an investment in any financial instrument or in any product to which the Company and/ or its affiliates provides investment advisory or any other financial services. Any organizations, financial instrument or products described in this material are mentioned for reference purposes only which should not be considered a recommendation for their purchase or sale. Neither the Company nor the authors shall be liable to any person for any action taken on the basis of the information provided. Some statements contained in this material concerning goals, strategies, outlook or other non-historical matters may be forward-looking statements and are based on current indicators and expectations. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the statements. The Company and/or its affiliates may or may not have a position in any financial instrument mentioned and may or may not be actively trading in any such securities. This material is proprietary information of the Company and its affiliates and may not be reproduced or otherwise disseminated in whole or in part without prior written consent from the Company. The Company believes the content to be accurate. However, accuracy is not warranted or guaranteed. The Company does not assume any liability in the case of incorrectly reported or incomplete information. Unless stated otherwise all information is provided by the Company.

Testing the Untestable

By Andrew Burrows

Testing the Untestable

A beginner's guide to mock objects in python. Presented at Europython 2016

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