Baltimore's Civil Rights Heritage:

Looking for Landmarks from the Movement


Classroom Presentation

Baltimore Heritage

What is the Civil Rights movement?

Who led the movement?

Many individuals, not just a single person or a small group, made up the Civil Rights movement.


In Baltimore, leaders included Rev. Harvey Johnson, Lillie M. Carroll, Jaunita Jackson Mitchell, Thurgood Marshall, and Rev. Vernon S. Dobson among many others.

What groups worked to organize the movement?

In Baltimore, groups included the Baltimore NAACP, the Baltimore Urban League, and CORE.

What past events tell the story of the movement?

In Baltimore, key events included the 1942 March on Annapolis, the end of legal school segregation in 1954, and the unrest in April 1968 following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

How did a local or national historic context affect the movement?

In Baltimore, the movement was shaped by widespread unemployment during the Great Depression, housing shortages during World War II, and Cold War politics in the decades after the war.

What opposition did the movement experience?

In Baltimore, opponents included the state Democratic Party (then known as the "White Man's Party") in the late 1800s and early 1900s, downtown business owners, and exploitative real estate brokers.

What tactics did leaders and groups associated with the movement use?

In Baltimore, tactics included picket lines, sit-down strikes, media campaigns, and marches.

How is the Civil Rights movement connected to other social movements?

In Baltimore, women from the movement played an important role in feminist movements, organizers also played a role in shaping labor movements. 

When did the

movement begin?

What do you think?

  1. 1910
  2. 1954
  3. 1968
  4. None of the above

The correct answer?

  1. 1968 
  2. 1954
  3. 1910
  4. None of the above

The African American Civil Rights movement in Baltimore began even before emancipation in 1864.

Where did the movement take place?

Why does the history of the movement matter today?

How can you learn more about the movement?

Baltimore's Civil Rights Heritage: Classroom Presentation

By Baltimore Heritage

Baltimore's Civil Rights Heritage: Classroom Presentation

This presentation was developed by Eli Pousson for Baltimore Heritage in November 2015 for presentation to ninth grade students in Baltimore City Public Schools. Please note: it is is currently incomplete!

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