Growing Trees

Brian Cardarella

Ecological Systems

What can we learn from nature?
How does it relate to business/technology?

Immature Systems

"Pioneering Systems"


Immature Systems

 Whenever a disturbance violates an established ecosystem, aggressive and invasive weeds take over and spread quickly, establishing temporary primacy. These opportunitic species are suited to what are sometimes called "immature" systems. The plants compete for sunlight in order to capture the maximum available energy while trying to cover the raw earth as quickly as possible.

Immature Systems

In such a system, energy is wasted, diversity is minimal, and the plants are generally of lower quality and usefulness. Their life cycles are short; while their output is prodigious, their use of resources is not very efficient.

The Ecology of Commerce

Paul Hawken

Mature System

"Climax System"


Mature Systems

An ecosystem evolves from pioneering, immature states that emphasize growth, until it evolves into mature systems that are highly efficient and resource-conserving. Mature, climax systems comprise an association of organisms that reach a state of equilibrium which leaves the habitat largely unchanged from year to year.

Mature Systems

Because no environment remains unchanged, even climax communities do not last forever, but they are more resilient to disturbances in the greater environment.

The Ecology of Commerce

Paul Hawken


  • Quick growing
  • Opportunistic
  • Wasteful
  • At risk


  • Slow growing
  • Efficient
  • Monopolistic
  • At risk


"Survival of the fittest"

Organisms that make use of the 
resources available to them in the 
most efficient manner.


1900 - 1901
1,500 oil companies


Replaced canal, horses
Largely replaced by trucking

"Mature" industries were once not so mature. And someday they won't exist at all.

The history of business is rapid
initial growth, stagnation, 
and finally replacement.

Companies that attempt to "break into" the existing market with existing technology are met with regulation and anti-competitive resistance.

You must out-innovate the establishment.

And the web is the best vehicle to out-innovate existing "trees".

Business is just another ecological system
That is turning over faster and faster
This means there will always be opportunity

In such a system, energy is wasted, diversity is minimal, and the plants are generally of lower quality and usefulness. Their life cycles are short; while their output is prodigious, their use of resources is not very efficient.





  • Started in 1995
  • Has barely changed
  • Doesn't want to change
  • Can't change
  • This creates opportunity

Technology is always moving forward

Better, faster, cheaper

Web 1.0

  • Static content
  • Large expensive systems
  • News sites, stores, blogs

WEB 2.0

  • Dynamic content
  • Lower barrier of entry
  • Social media

What's next?

Complex Client Side Apps




  1. Challenge an existing business model
  2. ???
  3. Profit

  1. Challenge an existing business model
  2. Write with Ember/Angular
  3. Profit

Better applications can be written that provide a significantly faster user experience. Do not underestimate UX as a point of competition.

Compete directly with desktop applications with the new client side frameworks


Server Sent Events, Websockets, WebRTC, Web Workers, Web Components, Media Capture API, Geolocation API, Offline Web Cache, amongst others...

Server Sent Events

One way async communication from the server

Web Sockets

Two way async communication between server and client


Peer to peer communication facilitated by the server

Web Workers

Multi-threaded processing in your client side applications

Web Components

Build interfaces that don't suck

Media Capture API

Use the microphone, camera, and video of your device

GeoLocation API

Where the hell am I?

Offline web cache

Save app to homescreen, use offline

We are on the cusp of a major tech revolution.

But not everyone thinks so...

Technology allows us to circumvent these problems.

So get ready to plant some weeds.

And take aim at the trees.

Thank you

Grow Trees

By bcardarella

Grow Trees

  • 2,081