Moises Barrios


Where was Moises From?

Moises Barrios was born and still lives in Guatemala In the year of 1946.He lived some years in Costa Rica . As he studied in ENAP he decided to spend his life doing art.

Experienced different types of arts.

Since The Early 60's Moises had different type of knowings, he knew how to do graphic design,painting,and printmaking.


Graphic design

Moises has been influential in many MOMA such places as Mexico,Argentina,Brazil,Cuba ,Colombia,Chile,Spain,France,Italy,England and Taiwan


*MOMA is the museum of modern art which is located in Midtown,Manhattan New York City.This Museum has the most important art

These are some of the watercolor paints that Moises Barrios.Some of his watercolor paints look realistic from far away.

This Art Is Names The Combat which was made in 1994.

Moises Barrios is very influential to me because he knows different types of arts and he still decides to try different things.His water paints are really realistic and they have so much talent in them.Moises Barrios is a very talented person.

This is Moises Barrios.A very talented person.

Moises Barrios

By belungaa

Moises Barrios

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