Automate App Logic


New Feature

Spec it out

This is not a bomb; I swear

Spec it out

That says "I am frog"

Look closely at spec

That says "I am frog"

This is a data flow graph



Functions on streams as data-flow graphs

Functions on streams as data-flow graphs

func addOverTime(x: Observable<Int>, y: Observable<Int>): Observable<Int> {
    return{ (x, y) -> x + y }  

Composing Functions ~=  Connecting Graphs

addOverTime(x, addOverTime(y, z))

Functions on streams for UI Components

This is Cycle.JS

A safe, simple, easy, clean way to describe UI components

Spec = DFG

And a DFG is a function on streams...

If a spec is a DFG....

And you can write UI components with functions on streams...

Data flow graphs can describe and implement UI components


The Spec is the Code

Show the Dataflow


Automate App Logic

By bkase

Automate App Logic

  • 892