
NgRx Auto Entity

Who's this guy?

  • ♥️ JavaScript
  • ✍️ Angular
  • 🤘 NgRx
  • 😎 CTO @ BrieBug
  • 🎿 A lot
  • 🐦 brian_love

Now this is the story all about how

angular met ngrx

reactive turned our lives upside down

but that boilerplate causes me to frown

Then along came the papa and bell

with ngrx-data and things were well

We got down with ngxs

but nothing quite felt like ngrx

We thought we'd give it a shot

and what we created is pretty hot

npm install @briebug/ngrx-auto-entity


yarn add @briebug/ngrx-auto-entity


  • 💪 Build on NgRx
  • 💾 Collections by default
  • 🏃‍♀️ Support async CRUD actions
  • 🎂 Pre-baked effects and selectors
  • 💯 Extensible


  1. Specify meta reducer
  2. Provide EntityOperators
  3. Build state
  4. Extend state and reducer as needed
  5. Create service
  6. Create effects

See it in action

Thank you to the team!

Introducing NgRx Auto Entity

By Brian Love

Introducing NgRx Auto Entity

Meet NgRx Auto Entity - inspired by the NgRx Entity library with less boilerplate.

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