



  1. Gulp and task running
  2. Popular Gulp plugins within GG
  3. Our directory structure
  4. How our setup works with AWS CloudFront
  5. How to deploy to our CDN

Gulp & Task Running

  • Task runner/build system
  • You can:
    • compile code
    • move files
    • rename files
    • use preprocessors
    • deploy to a server
  • Automation all at once!

Popular Plugins

  1. gulp-load-plugins
  2. yargs
  3. preprocessify
  4. gulp-rev-all and gulp-rev-napkin
  5. gulp-awspublish, router, cloudfront

Gulp Load Plugins

Autoloaders for the win!

var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();

// plugin is named gulp-sass
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({
    pattern: ['gulp-*', 'gulp.*'],
    rename: {
        'gulp-long-name': 'shortName'
gulp.task('taskName', function() {
    return gulp.src('glob/to/search')


Option flags when compiling

var args = require('yargs').argv;

// default is false
var dev = !;

// dev is true
gulp watch

// dev is false
gulp watch --prod
// do things like..
if (dev) {
    //don't compress css
} else 
    //compress css


Preprocessing code

var preprocessify = require('preprocessify');

var config = {};
config[dev ? 'DEV' : 'PROD'] = true;

// run gulp, prod is true
gulp watch --prod

// In your js

// @if PROD
    console.log('Production environment');
// @endif

Gulp revisioning

Asset revisions

<!-- original -->
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- revisioned -->
<link href="styles.d7376ac0.css" rel="stylesheet">

Gulp / AWS

Gulp / AWS / CloudFront

// deploy task contains aws sync

gulp deploy --prod

End :)

Big Gulps Eh?

By Brett Hayes

Big Gulps Eh?

Say hello to workflow automation and goodbye to doing things "just real quick." In this session, I'll be giving an overview of Gulp task running using popular gulp plugins that we have in our GoGuardian landing setup. I'll also explain how to deploy the landing to our CDN and how it works with AWS CloudFront.

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