Mr SPLOT and Captain SSHRC discover the universe is made of learning objects

Theremin > 95% !!!

The talk...

But first...


There was a need...

Although it is becoming an increasingly important medium for education, the Internet is still in a state of near chaos. For course developers, finding online digital resources requires combing through vast masses of irrelevant data. Once resources are located, determining validity, ownership and other important information is almost impossible.


--Irwin, 1999 ( via "A ride on the Wayback Machine")

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains.

Stephen Downes, IMS Forum, 2003

Some of us wanted to keep our jobs

Some good came of it...

Some good came of it...

Then again...


Learning objects(1) were actually discovered not just over the past decades, but when Leibniz's theory of monads(2) superseded the Greek notion of atoms as fundamental constituents of reality as propounded by Leucippus and Democritus in the 5th Centry BCE (3). As noted in Wikipedia, "This is the pre-established harmony which solved the mind-body problem, but at the cost of declaring any interaction between substances a mere appearance." (4)


1. We are limited to the planes of drug-free reality enforced by socially reinforced educational roles, The Panopticon, international conspiracies and learning management systems.

2. We had to limit the length of our presentation as specified by the BC Small Claims Court order until we pay our accumulated parking fines.



We strongly recommend that further research is required.


1) Wikipedia
2) Wikipedia
3) Wikipedia
4) Some late night Googling, forgot to take notes 

Mr SPLOT and Captain SSHRC discover the universe is made of learning objects

By Brian Lamb

Mr SPLOT and Captain SSHRC discover the universe is made of learning objects

A journey of self discovery. Amplified.

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