Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons

Background: The Haywain, Hieronymous Bosch,  Wikimedia Commons

Malthus and malthusianism

Thomas Malthus (Wikimedia Commons, 2005)

Population and Carrying Capacity

Malthus's Argument

Population increases exponentially
 Wikimedia Commons, 2012

Agricultural production increases linearly

Bruegel the Elder, 1565, Wikimedia Commons

So, population will frequently

expand beyond food supply

Mahoney, 1847, Wikimedia Commons

Carrying Capacity

  • Population supportable given a set of resources and ecological process in a particular place
  • Ecological degradation sets in when carrying capacity of a place is exceeded

Garret Hardin

  • Ecologist based at University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Got is BS in Zoology from University of Chicago
  • Concerned with problems of overpopulation
  • Advocated strong government control and private property to avoid ecological collapse

Background: Bruegel the Elder, 1559, Wikimedia

The tragedy of the commons

What are commons?

(Open-access resources)

What causes the problem?

Why is it a tragedy?

Escaping the tragedy

How do we avoid the Tragedy of the Commons?

Hardin: regulation and private property

What is another approach discussed in the video you watched?

types of Goods

Background: Wikimedia Commons, 2013

Public Goods

Goods that you benefit from without paying for

A type of positive externality

Because you benefit from them regardless, no incentive to pay

Both public and common goods can lead to "collective action problems," where goods are overexploited or underprovided

Background: Bruegel the Elder, 1563, Wikimedia Commons

Background: James Clarke Hook, 1864, Wikimedia Commons

Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons

By Caleb Gallemore

Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons

  • 1,295