FP in ES6 Part I:

Building Blocks of FP

abstract machine models

equivalent models

turing machine

lambda calculus







C, Go

Smalltalk, Java

Models of Computation



Lisp family

Haskell, ML

abstract machine models

equivalent models

turing machine

lambda calculus







C, Go

Smalltalk, Java

models of computation



Lisp family

Haskell, ML


"...expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow."

Lloyd, J.W., Practical Advantages of Declarative Programming


Uses statements that change a program's state and rely on explicit control flow.

(describes what to do)

(tells how to do it)

Exercise for the reader:

What are some benefits of functional programming?

Build better quality software more easily,...

...be flexible when it's time to change and...

...have problem-solving superpowers!

FP in 12 Terms

The greatest barrier to entry in math and science is its vocabulary...

-- someone famous, maybe


  • A relation of the set of inputs (domain) to the set of allowed outputs (codomain) and the set of all input/output pairs (graph)
  • each input is related to exactly one output
  • more than one input might relate to a given output
f : X \rightarrow Y
f:XYf : X \rightarrow Y

Function application

Applying the function to an argument (a value in its domain), so that we can get the output.


The number of arguments or operands that a function takes. A function can be unary (arity of 1), binary (arity of 2), etc.



A pure function is one that does not depend on any external state that could change during execution (always returns the same output given the same input) and does not cause any side-effects, like mutation of a global variable.



A side effect is any change to the state of the system or any kind of interaction with the outside world that we can see. An example of the former is updating an HTTP request object and an example of the latter is printing to standard output.

Side effects

Application State





Pure, side effect free functions give us referential transparency

Can I replace this function with its return value without changing how my program behaves?


A closure is a function defined inside of another function definition that has access to that outer function's environment. It's a useful technique for binding together the data and the operation and in a sense, a closure is like a record that stores these two things for later use.

Anonymous function

Any function definition that is not bound to an identifier. Usually, we use these as arguments to higher-order functions or for creating a return value from a higher-order function that needs to return a function. In lambda calculus, all functions are anonymous.

First-class function

A language supports first-class functions if it allows you to pass a function as an argument to another function, return a function as a value from another function, and store functions inside of variables and data structures.

Higher-order function

Generally, a higher-order function is one that either accepts another function as an argument, returns a function as its result or both of these. The concept of a higher-order function makes function composition possible.

Function composition

Lets us take simple functions and compose them into more complex functions. We can do this because our functions have referential transparency. This makes it incredibly easy to model our programs and reason about what they're doing.

Partial application

When we take a function and bind one or more of the arguments to a specific value in order to produce a function of a smaller arity, we're partially applying that function.


When we take a function that has an arity greater than 1 and produce a series of nested functions, each with an arity of 1, we are currying. A curried function always returns either a function that takes one argument (a unary function) or the result of applying all arguments through all of the nested functions, one at a time.

That's it!

Enough talk. Let's build something!


Read up on...

Extra credit

FP in ES6 Part II:

Immutability & Types

Next time!

FP in ES6 Part I: Building Blocks of FP

By Carlo DiCelico

FP in ES6 Part I: Building Blocks of FP

Nodeschool talk about functional programming using ES6 Meetup: http://bit.ly/2kFApiB RunKit Notebook: http://bit.ly/2jz67MK Video: https://youtu.be/sZ04kWzfsyk

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