Structuring an API using Node.js and Express


Who am I?

Carolina Pascale Campos

Intern at Codeminer42

Student at UFSCar



Gotham API

A simple API using Node.js, express and mongo.  Its purpose is to illustrate how you can organize a RESTful application.

Request List Characters Flow


Request List Characters Flow

JSON Response


  "data": [
      "_id": "581c8c0e8ae4dbf68e92e178",
      "name": "Batman",
      "ocupation": "CEO of Wayne Enterprises",
      "quote": "As a symbol I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting.",
      "__v": 0,
      "firstAppearance": 1939
      "_id": "581cb70702eec407ff7414dd",
      "name": "Joker",
      "ocupation": "Villain",
      "quote": "Why so serious?",
      "__v": 0,
      "firstAppearance": 1940

Mongoose Validation Errors

How to create custom errors with mongoose


const minFirstAppearance = [1939, 'The first appearance year should be greater than 1939'];

const charactersSchema = mongoSchema({
  firstAppearance: { type: Number, min: minFirstAppearance, default: 1939}

Mongoose Validation Errors


    "name": "James Gordon",
    "ocupation": "Police Commissioner",
    "quote": "Because he's not our hero.",
    "firstAppearance": 1938

Mongoose Validation Errors


  "error": {
    "type": "ValidationError",
    "message": "characters validation failed",
    "description": {
      "firstAppearance": "The first appearance year should be greater than 1939"

Thanks for your attention!

Any questions?

Structuring an API using Node.js and Express

By Carolina Pascale Campos

Structuring an API using Node.js and Express

  • 1,074