Claudio Santos

from journeyman to Python Developer

15 years of experience

FullStack Software Developer

The beginning...
Falling in love...
// How to catch a younger software programmer

function showProgrammersMagic(type){
    if (type == 'ChemicalEngineering'){
        return WebSiteToEarnDonations()
    } elseif (type == 'CivilEngineering'){
        return AutoCAD()
    } elseif (type == 'Geographer'){
        return ArcMap()
    } elseif (type == 'ComputerTechnicianInDoubt'){
        return WaterReflectionWroteInCLanguage()
    } else {
        return MSOffice()

for (int c=0; c < doubts; c++){
Accomplishments that I'm proud of...

C# Backend



Accomplishments that I'm proud of...

Personal Project to solve a real world problem with JavaScript and CouchDB NOSql Document Database

Accomplishments that I'm proud of...

ORM wrote in C# .net 4.5 and ArcObjects for Geographic data manipulation.


Accomplishments that I'm proud of...

Personal Product to help the communication between Customers and Self-employed workers through a private timeline.


Accomplishments that I'm proud of...

Built with Reactjs and Redux in the Front-end and Django and DRF at the Back-end.

I'm using Gitlab Ci/CD, Ansible and unit tests to automate the deployment process.

Thank you

"Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning."

Paulo Freire

Introducing myself

By Claudio Santos

Introducing myself

A short introduction of myself

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