Getting Started with GraphQL, Apollo, and React

Midwest JS

August 17th, 2017

Ryan Glover

CEO, Clever Beagle

Okay, who is this clown?

Ryan Glover via Chicago, IL

CEO at Clever Beagle (     @clvrbgl)

Founder/Author at The Meteor Chef (     @themeteorchef)

Totally cute, tons of fun. ❤️💯👍

(I secretly dislike emoji speak, but the kids are doing it so...hey!)

What are we learning today?

What is GraphQL and why would we use it?

What is Apollo? How does it relate to GraphQL and React?

Opinion: is REST actually dead?

Walkthrough: Connecting a GraphQL server and schema to React with Apollo.

What is GraphQL?

A layer between our UI and data sources (a database, a third-party API, etc).

Flips our thinking to put an emphasis on the data requirements of our interface first. No unnecessary data in responses; just what we need (makes multi-platform easier).

Eliminates the need for HTTP requests to multiple endpoints to get the data for a single interface. No more GET /users and then GET /posts to get the user's posts.


Queries (w/ Arguments and Nested Fields)

Good to know: While query fields are executed in parallel, mutation fields run in series, one after the other. This helps to avoid race conditions on writes 👍


Good to know: subscriptions have not been officially added to the GraphQL spec. Some GQBAAS providers and alternative server implementations are available. 🌟


The GraphQL Server

The GraphQL Schema

What is Apollo?

The glue between your GraphQL server/schema and your UI (for example, React).

Streamlines the process of performing queries and mutations, as well as establishing subscriptions on the client.

Offers implementations for React, React Native, Angular, iOS (Swift), Android, and a vanilla JavaScript option as well.

Apollo to GraphQL Schema Communication

Let's look at some code!



Does this mean REST is dead?! Ah! Panic! Burn it!

Thanks, folks! 🙂

Come say hi and let me know if you want to meet up and hack this week! Don't forget to follow:




This talk's repo:

Getting Started with GraphQL, Apollo, and React

By cleverbeagle

Getting Started with GraphQL, Apollo, and React

In this talk, we'll take a hands-on look at using React and GraphQL together, utilizing Apollo as the glue between the client and our data source (MongoDB). We'll learn how to wire up a simple GraphQL server and schema, piping data from the server to the client using Apollo's apollo-client NPM package. We'll also discuss some high-level theory on why we'd want to use GraphQL in our apps and how it can help us to better manage data in our user interfaces.

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