How being a musician made me a better developer

Ryan Kanner @CodeProKid


  • WordPress Developer at
  • Percussionist
  • Came from colorado for #wcbos 
  • Fun fact - 2005 TSA New York Catapult champion

I'm a total Band geek

I'm Also A total WP nerd

The More I see, the less I know for sure

-John Lennon

The parallels between being a musician and being a developer are uncanny

It all starts with passion and motivation

(spoiler alert)

Most of us are probably not going to be rockstars

THe Learning Never stops

Community and mentorship is key

The perception of perfection

Focusing on the task at hand without losing the bigger picture

Hurry up an wait

Music & code; Universal languages

Rules were made to be broken.

Break it down now Y'all

The blinking cursor

The Joy of creation


Ryan Kanner @CodeProKid

How being a musician made me a better developer

By Ryan Kanner

How being a musician made me a better developer

n this talk, we’ll look at the parallels between being a musician, and being a developer. I’ll share my story of how I transitioned from music to development, and how the skills I learned from being a musician helped me succeed in the development world.

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