ConnectOcean offers a unique take on the Corporate Team Building Experience.


Our company is founded on the core values of social responsibility and environmental awareness.


Beyond ensuring that your time with us is fun and rewarding, we design our activities to highlight not just the importance of a healthy workplace, but a healthy planet too.

  • the opportunity to turn our beach into your office!

  • dynamic interaction between participants and facilitators

  • time to apply fundamental management skills to unboxed scenarios

  • a course to suit your company goals and individual needs

We offer you...

"Individual commitment to a group effort. That is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."


-Vince Lombardi-

  • Relationships are formed as team members are required to co-operate to achieve success.

  • Barriers are overcome as colleagues interact within a relaxed atmosphere and get to appreciate each other’s hidden talents.

  • Team members analyze reasons for success and failure, and therefore develop positive group dynamics and an understanding of the requirements of effective teamwork.

  • Individuals are challenged to step out of their comfort zone and discover what they are capable of.

What are the benefits of our input?


Activities are based on core themes, and you get to choose from a variety of formats to suit the outdoors (or indoors on inclement days, which are very rare!).


These activities are designed to harness and enforce core statements within the team and within the individual.


The activities are suitable for people of all ages and abilities, as well as large and small groups.

Why not extend your stay for a few days and join us on one of our OceanExplorer ventures?

You have the benefit of:

  • doing a PADI certified Open Water course and
  • becoming involved in our Manta Ray Citizen Science Project once you start diving
  • learning what makes an innocuous rock pool tick
  • visiting a mangrove forest, helping to propagate seeds to ensure sustained growth and
  • relaxing on a sundowner cruise as and when it suits you after a busy day


As part of our values we aim to return value to a community. A percentage of all of our corporate work is channelled into one of our local community based programs, focusing on developing and cultivating local skill and education.


By working with us you are sponsoring one of the following programs:

Sin Limites:

a Holistic Adventure Program for people with life changing injuries

Sin Limités Costa Rica is ConnectOcean’s sister project. It is registered locally as a Not for Profit Association. SL focuses on capacity building and developing Life Skills - an awareness within communities is created by integrating volunteers in a program, who, in turn, offer adventure sport to people with disabilities. The Program contributes to their mental and physical health, fostering strong social bonds and rehabilitation opportunities.


To date we have:

  1. Trained 23 Diving Instructors in Costa Rica as Adaptive Diving Instructors to make scuba diving more accessible to differently-abled individuals. This is noteworthy!
  2. ConnectOcean has exposed 65 differently-abled participants to either experience a Discover Scuba Diving experience or training them to become certified PADI Open Water Divers. Participants included paraplegics, amputees, hearing- and sight impaired students and cancer survivors.
  3. We have initiated Adaptive Surfing and Outrigger paddling activities in addition to our Scuba Training. More than 80 participants in 3 events registered to take part!
  4. We work with survivors in various societies that suffer from PTSD caused by life changing injuries. Some of these included survivors from the Boston Marathon bombing, injured war veterans and Middle Eastern children injured in acts of war.


In addition to being an Association that interacts with people with disabilities, Sin Limites Costa Rica is also a registered Sport Association. Many of our board members are also Paralympic Athletes competing at a variety of disciplines including swimming, volleyball, and adaptive football at International level! Sport has become a powerful bridge to overcome barriers, showing that whatever inherent strength we harbour may act as catalyst when faced with adverse conditions...I am stronger than the sum total of my fears!


The Association’s specific objectives are:

  1. To motivate and inspire people of all abilities to challenge their comfort zones.
  2. To Provide Adaptive Adventure Sport experiences to people of all abilities which allows them to discover challenges beyond their limitations.
  3. To raise awareness of the importance of inclusion of people of all abilities within the Costa Rican society.
  4. To work towards establishing Costa Rica as an accessible tourist destination for people of all abilities.


  • To cultivate environmental awareness and interest within the youth of communities in preserving the marine environment and its resources.
  • To deliver environmental education, sustainable lifestyle and a responsible consumption curriculum, in which communities and their youth are mobilized to participate in environmental conservation locally and internationally.
  • To promote corporate support for social responsible projects, thereby strengthening corporate commitment to the conservation of the marine environment and social development of communities.
  • To foster a collaborative spirit across cultures in raising an awareness of the fragile nature of marine life and to set common conservation goals.
  • To support research on environmentally sound approaches to interactions with the marine life on a recreational or commercial level.
  • Social Inclusion and empowerment for people with all abilities: Our aim is to integrate the disabled community in the social society through an all-abilities “adventure” counseling program focused on capacity building and life skill development.

Our goals are:

Ocean Stewardship and Advocacy:

ConnectOcean Education

ConnectOcean Education uses place-based experiential learning programs to engage students and communities in identifying problems and brainstorming to solves these.


Our hands-on, community-based service learning is focused on marine ecosystems. The Educational programs combine ocean stewardship with STEM  education initiatives, giving participants the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of real-time researchers, conservationists, and explorers. The program combines elements of exploration with environmental education and research, anchored by passionate mentors working within the STEM Industry.


Each one of our Education Programs is linked to a Citizen Science Project.

Global Manta
ID app

Our collaboration with Manta Trust involves 2 projects:

  1. Creating a standardized Manta Trust / Project Aware speciality which PADI will recognize globally. Certification fees for this project are donated to Manta Conservation and Research Projects.
  2. The second project involves creating a Global Manta ID app and GIS data base which will be integrated with a Manta ID photo-match system using multiple algorhythms, much like facial recognition software.


ConnectOcean and the Manta Trust are currently collaborating on the development of a Global Manta ID app. The purpose of this app is:

  1. To simplify data collection of Manta Sightings for a global geographical Photo ID data base.
  2. Integrating an Open source GIS platform for spatial analysis and specie-distribution modelling, to research and evaluate current population risks imposed in various regions Mantas are found.
  3. Integrating a photo ID match system using facial recognition software by using multiple computer assisted algorhythms.
  4. Combine all the above elements into a Citizen Science App to engage, educate and call to action communities to assist in the global collection of data.
  5. The App can also be used as a crowdsourcing tool to raise funds for conservation and research by making it available to users in lieu of a small donation towards the Manta Trust.

SWIM SAFE Costa Rica:

A Learn to Swim and Grassroots Drowning Prevention campaign

Drowning is the second highest cause of accidental death in Costa Rica, surpassing drowning statistics of Australia and the USA!


There is virtually no infrastructure or drowning-prevention campaign that lessens the drowning statistics in communities. Through this project and our involvement with the local community, we have identified the crucial need for a “Learn to Swim” program within disadvantaged and rural communities. ConnectOcean has developed a Grassroots Drowning Prevention Program aptly named ‘SWIM SAFE Costa Rica”, which focuses on teaching water safety to locals.


 Attending students receive their Swim School Instructor Training as part of an extracurricular activity after school and weekends, and once the internship program starts they shadow teach with our in-house instructors (as part of the SWIM SAFE Costa Rica initiative) in teaching disadvantaged communities related skills. This certification is recognized globally, and the implications are enormous.


Once a swimmer from the SWIM SAFE Costa Rica program becomes more competent he/she is encouraged to participate in the ConnectOcean Nipper Surf Lifesaving Program.

The ConnectOcean Nipper Surf
Lifesaving Program:

The Program focuses on educating children to recognize potential hazardous conditions associated with an ever-changing aquatic environment. Emphasis is placed on safety, respect, physical fitness, instruction, and discipline. Students are schooled in the oceanic environment, First Aid, C.P.R., cooperation and lifesaving methods.


Classes are presented weekly and once participants are of age, they can earn a full lifeguard certification. Our goal with this program is to create fully functional duty squads that would provide voluntary lifesaving duties on the local beaches as part of a community service program. We are in the process of developing the sport of Lifesaving to build a Costa Rican Surf Lifesaving team, able to compete at future world championships.





ConnetOcean, Corporate Team Building Experience

By ConnectOcean

ConnetOcean, Corporate Team Building Experience

ConnectOcean offers a unique take on the Corporate Team Building Experience. Our company is founded on the core values of social responsibility and environmental awareness. Beyond ensuring that your time with us is fun and rewarding, we design our activities to highlight not just the importance of a healthy workplace, but a healthy planet too.

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