Elad Silberring
Python Web developer,. As a hobby I develop html 5 2D games
Elad Silberring
BDD is a development process providing shared tools to different teams by implementing tests using "plain text sentences" (Gherkin syntax ) which are translated into code.
Feature: Test account app functionality
Given we have 1 user named: homer@dough.com
And user is active
Scenario: test user login
Given I access the site with default user at url "account/login/"
Then I should see that tab number "1" is active
And I wait "1" seconds
Then I should see "homer@dough.com" in the "username" container by id
This is the file with our "plain text", Files ending with 'feature' extension means it written in gherkins
This is our python (Rules!) file which we will write our code translation for the gherkin text
Scenario - This is the test itself with its title, Each scenario will usually have the key words given, and, when and then.
Feature - This is the place to describe what you are testing and possibly what assumptions you have before testing (this can also be done in the Background )
Background - any assumptions you have before testing, IMOP this can be left out of the framework as most projects do this in the feature
By Elad Silberring
Python Web developer,. As a hobby I develop html 5 2D games