Build Meteor UIs without any HTML

Dan Dascalescu / @dandv

Meteor Devshop SF 2015-Jan-29

(video of the talk)

A table


<template name="leaderboard">
  <ol class="leaderboard">
    {{#each players}}
      {{> player}}

<template name="player">
  <li class="player {{selected}}">
    <span class="name">{{name}}</span>
    <span class="score">{{score}}</span>

This gives us...

Meteor package (component)

{{> reactiveTable
    collection = players
    rowsPerPage = 5
    showFilter = true
    fields = columns

// JS
Players = new Mongo.Collection("players");

    players: Players,
    columns: ['name', 'score']


This gives:

#win - free features

We want more components

Trees, for example

Or TreeTables

Or tabs with icons

with resizable panels

...or a really powerful table

We could pick individual widgets but...

3rd party library wrappers

  • outdated
  • too many

Different APIs
for each component

Inconsistent look


* just kidding

Widget libraries / UI components

  • Ext JS
  • Dojo
  • Kendo UI
  • Polymer
  • jQueryUI
  • Angular UI
  • ...many others

UI widget libraries

Best UI widgets library

  • open-source widgets per $
  • looks
  • learning curve
  • openness
  • support

Open in a new tab...

...and be amazed

Demo admin app on the next slide


Dan Dascalescu / @dandv


Meteor.js for enterprise applications

By Dan Dascalescu

Meteor.js for enterprise applications

How to build a nice, clean UI for admin apps without any HTML code

  • 4,885