Larissa Devs Meetup

21 February 2023


REST APIs: Design & Optimization


7:00pm - 7:15pm : Introductions
7:15pm - 8:00pm : APIs and REST API Design (Alexandros Keramidas)
8:00pm - 8:15pm : Break
8.15pm - 9:00pm : RESTful API Optimization (Florian Schaeffler)
9:00pm - : Connecting micro-party!

Alexandros Keramidas

  • Officially, he works as Lead Mobile Engineer at Biobedded Systems GmbH

  • Unofficially, he caters for many things, including architectural issues, back end development, dev ops and even firmware development

  • He's into mechanical engineering, cars and motorsports!

Senior Software Engineer

Florian Schaeffler

  • He is 7 x AWS Certified and 2 x Node.js Certified with 14 years of hands-on experience as Cloud Architect and Software Engineer

  • He has a focus on web-application scaling and system reliability with a good sense for IT-security.

  • He loves cooking!

Senior Software Engineer

22nd Larissa Devs Meetup Intro

By Dimi Balaouras

22nd Larissa Devs Meetup Intro

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