Case Study

K12 Dashboard & Unified Login

Part 1

Small Incremental Change

(Lack of time and resources meant short design cycle. Very lean.)


Vision from Stakeholders

  • Introduce the concept of educational badges. 
  • Make them shareable. 

Determine Desired Outcome: 

1. Create a unified student experience

2. Introduce "Badging" concept. Make the badges social.

3. Design something students WANT to use and finish. Lessen the amount of groaning and angry tweets/instagrams from students

4. Design something for teachers of all technical skill levels, including those who struggle to use email

Research Users

(Just one way I researched)

Create Hypothesis

By making badges visually appealing, pre-populating Facebook and Tweets with engaging text, we can encourage social sharing.

Schools blocking the use of Facebook and Twitter will create obstacles. 


Badge Design

Round 1

Too much text. Won't scale down well.

Badge Design

Round 2

(Looks too much like a coin. Also doesn't scale well when small.)

Badge Design

Round 3

Scales well + clean design = The winner! 

Interface Design

Interface Design

Interface Design


What happened?

Many things. 
Most importantly, students weren't sharing badges. 
My hypothesis was wrong.

A few of the reasons for the problem: 

  • Facebook and Twitter blocked at many schools (didn't realize the full extent to this)
  • Users couldn't find the badges
  • No interesting copy was added during implementation
  • Why share? No incentive, social or otherwise. 
  • Not enough communication between teams to implement the project

... And now we iterate.

Part 2

Larger Product Overhaul
(More time, more team members. Closer to "Waterfall approach. Much more documentation. Also tackling login and registration process)

Set the Vision

    • As part of the summer 2013 release, EverFi is looking to expand our entire K12 user base to use a single identity to access multiple learning platforms.

    • This approach will allow users to learn more about and access additional learning platforms

    • For school and districts, it will allow a single view of performance data across multiple platforms.

Define Goals

● Make  engagement  easier  with  a  unified  system  -­  simplifies  access  to  the  learning platform  and  corresponding  curriculum  applications  so  that  users  don't  have  to  enter  the same  information  over  and  over  again.

● Enable  decision  makers  and  high  level  stakeholders  to  better  manage  the  success  of  the platforms  at  a  school  or  district  level  so  that  they  can  see  aggregated  data  when  and where  it’s  convenient  to  them.

● Support  future  creation  of  teacher  networking  tools  within  the  platform  to  supplement  our on  the  ground  schools  team  efforts  and  overall  technical  support  model.

Define Assumptions

● All  K12  learning  platforms,  except  for  current  licensed  AlcoholEdu  for  HS  schools,  are built  and  supported  on  our  “Homeroom”  system  architecture  for  start  of  2013  academic semester.

● Going  forward,  all  K12  schools  will  have  “viewing  access”  to  all  K12  learning  platforms  in order  to  be  exposed  to  new  products  within  the  K12  “Assembly”  suite  of  applications

FUTURE:  allowing  users  to  login  with  using  an  additional  ID,  such  as  Facebook  or  Gmail.


Create User Stories/Personas

  1. Student
  2. Teacher
  3. Superintendant 
  4. Sponsor
  5. Curriculum Director
  6. Principal


Conduct Focus Group


Determine User Performance Requirements

  • Simplified login page

  • Increased speed to register and log in to current account

  • Increased error messaging/tooltips

  • Guide user through login and registration process



Design Login User Flow

Design Registration User Flow




Higher Fidelity

With large imagery and text to facilitate marketing

Higher Fidelity

With placeholder graphic and text

Higher Fidelity

Using existing brand standards

Wireframe for Dashboard

First Draft of Dashboard

First Draft of Dashboard

Updated Dashboard



My Design Process

By drewux

My Design Process

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