Developing Laravel Packages




Lucas Pires


Developer for almost 4 years now,

but only 2 with Laravel :)

Currently working as a developer at, best job ever!

Why develop packages?

Reuse of code, versioning, and community.


The structure of a Laravel Package.

Service Providers

The bridge between Laravel and your package.

Basically, register and boot stuff!

The Register Method

Bind things into the service container.

Don't register any event listeners, routes, or any

other piece of functionality!

The Boot Method

Bootstrap any application services.

You have access to all other services

that have been registered.

Deferred Providers

When your provider is only registering

bindings in the service container.

Deferring the loading of such a provider will improve the performance of your application.

Package Discovery

Laravel will automatically register its service providers and facades when it is installed, creating a convenient installation experience for your package's users.


Allow users of your package to easily override

your default configuration options.


Load your routes using the

loadRoutesFrom method.

Automatically check for cached routes.


Load your migrations using

the loadMigrationsFrom method.

Automatically run migrations when the  migrate command is executed.


Load your views using

the loadViewsFrom method.

Package views are referenced using the package::view syntax convention.


How to write tests for a Laravel package?

Testing Frameworks

  • PHPUnit
  • Orchestral Testbench
  • Laravel Dusk

Final Tips

  • Follow PSR-2 & PSR-4
  • Keep a Changelog
  • StyleCI, CodeClimate
  • Write tests!
  • TDD
  • Follow Semantic Versioning
  • Use Packagist

Many Thanks!

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Developing Laravel Packages

By Lucas Pires

Developing Laravel Packages

Tips & tricks about the development of packages for Laravel.

  • 643