What is OKR?

Agile performance management model focused on results, OKRs serve as an internal communication tool: they integrate teams through the formulation of objectives related to mission, values and corporate strategy.


Problems OKRs aim to solve

  • Lack of alignment between the company, boards and teams;

  • Lack of focus of employees with their activities, aiming to maximize the company's results;

  • Little stimulation of productivity from challenging goals;

  • Lack of transparency between teams;

  • Difficulty of the collaborator to notice how their contributions impact on the company;

  • Lack of communication between teams and collaborators;

OKR Structure

Objective ("what do I want to achieve?")


Key Results ("how can I measure?")

OKR Levels

Company OKRs


OKRs of the teams



OKRs of the collaborators

OKR Features

Communication: Aligning company expectations with employees


Simplicity: Simple language, making communication clearer and more effective


Bottom-Up and Top-Down: generation of engagement and purpose for each employee through participation in the goal-setting process


Short cycles: Track progress and error correction faster, as well as regular updates to gain insight and insight


Stretch Goals: Goals that force the team out of the comfort zone and rethink how to work

"Key Results"

What do you want to achieve?
The answer will be your objective.


  • Be qualitative
  • Be aspirational (recommended)
  • Have a deadline and responsible
  • To be questioned by the team

It is the "Success Criteria" of the Objective.


  • Quantitative (required)
  • Metrics - KPIs (recommend)
  • They must be challenging, not impossible
  • SMART (Specific + Measurable + Attainable + Relevant + Term)

Objective 1:
Dominate Latin America

Key Results:


  • KR 1: Grow 20% in number of customers
  • KR 2: Reach MRR of R $ 1 million
  • KR 3: Have international sales of at least R $ 2 million


Objective 2:
Make our customers love us

Key Results:


  • KR 1: Achieve NPS of 75 or higher (Zone of Excellence)
  • KR 2: Reduce CHURN to < 3%
  • KR 3: Lançar 2 atualizações de software por mês

OKR Example: Company

Objetivo 1: Ter uma base incrível de leads



  • KR 1: Aumentar visitas mensais da webpage em 30%
  • KR 2: Ter 5 parcerias para link building
  • KR 3: Bater a marca de 2000 Leads a partir de Busca Pag


Objetivo 2: Cansar a equipe de vendas


  • KR 1: Gerar 500 oportunidades
  • KR 2: Alcançar 2000 Leads Qualificados
  • KR 3: Converter 1,5% dos Visitantes (Q anterior) em clientes

Exemplos de OKR: Marketing

Thank you

Gabriel Engel


By Gabriel Engel