It's Scrum, Jim, but not as we know it


(or: The role of QA & Testing in Scrum)



Biochem turned QA & Software Tester

(with a bit of Scrum-master-y thrown in)

Currently working: CTI Digital


QA and Testing

In Scrum

Move away from reactive testing/QA


Pro-active QA to ensure efficient, high quality work



1-4 weeks per sprint


Sprint planning meetings to decide priorities


Daily scrum meetings to give updates


Each sprint tackles a set of user stories

As an Audience Member I want to be able to select a date from a datepicker so that I can quickly and accurately choose a specific date.

User Story/Business Case

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria define the boundaries of a user story, and are used to confirm when a story is completed and working as intended.


Given I am an Administrator,

When I do X

Then I should see Y

Scenario: Use a date popup calendar
Given I am an Audience Member
And there is a webform with a date component
And the date component has a popup calendar enabled
When I view the date field
Then I see a calendar icon next to the field
When I select the calendar icon
Then I see a calendar widget
etc etc

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria can't be changed without approval from all parties again



Better understanding of the client's needs before dev work starts


Documented test cases, both for manual and regression tesing


Pass better quality work to client


Its Scrum, Jim, but not as we know it

By gemhill

Its Scrum, Jim, but not as we know it

(or: The role of QA/Testing in Scrum)

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