PHP micro framework 
for people who love 
minimalism and simplicity 


  • Promotes code reuse
  • Speed up the coding process by reducing the amount of  overhead code to write like database access, caching and session management
  • Data validation and sanitation 
  • URL mapping and management 
  • Security 
  • Code is easier to maintain within an architecture
  • Don't use a bazooka to clobber a fly!

out of the box

  • Action-Domain-Responder accessed from browser and CLI
  • Request Manager POST, GET, CLI and SERVER
  • Response Manager sending HTTP cache friendly headers
  • Router Switch & URLs Generator
  • Hybrid View HTML, JSON, Haanga, Twig, PIMF-Vanilla
  • Session & Cache File, PDO, Memcached, APC / APCu, Redis, Wincache, DBA
  • Data Mapper MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server
  • Error Handler & Logger errors, warnings, debugging, info
  • Happy Utils Farm XML, JSON, String, Validation, Filtering, Serializer, File, Uploaded, Identifier, Message, Header
  • Events build de-coupled apps and tap into the core

not in the box

  • Queues & Tasks better use Beanstalkd or Gearman
  • Mailer please take a look at GitHub.com
  • ORM heads over Doctrine, RedBeanPHP or Propel
  • Form Builder do we realy need it?
  • Authentication, ACL find one at PEAR, GitHub or Composer
  • T9N, L10N, I18N, Math, RSS and much more - please search at internet, there are a tons of proven extensions and libraries.

Quick starters

  • PIMF-Blog using SQLite
  • PIMF-Blog using MySQL and SQLite
  • PIMF-Vanilla 
  • PIMF-Haanga 
  • PIMF-Twig

You will see - PIMF is easy to learn!

thank you!

Gjero Krsteski

Agilist, passionate programmer, 
serial trainer, speaker, 
husband, father and musician!

PIMF PHP micro framework

By Gjero Krsteski

PIMF PHP micro framework

Developing console and web applications for intermediate developers as well as beginners just starting out with PIMF PHP framework.

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