The State of Evergreen

Evergreen Conference 2016
Evergreen Oversight Board
In a Nutshell, Evergreen...
...has had 24,593 commits made by 117contributors representing 546,193 lines of code mostly written in SQL with an average number of source code comments
...has a well established, mature codebase
maintained by a very large development team
with increasing Y-O-Y commits
...took an estimated 147 years of effort
starting with its first commit in February, 2005
ending with its most recent commit 22 hours ago
Major Releases
2.9 - Release Manager, Jason Stephenson
- Blanket orders in Acquisitions
- Vandelay improvements for importing Stat Cats
- Pre-expiration trigger for courtesy patron renewal notices and display in "My Account"
- Improved column sorting in Circulation screens
- 29 contributors
2.10 - Release Manager, Galen Charlton
- Patron editable borrowing history
- Huge privacy improvements in several areas
- API improvements to support more 3rd party products
- Vandelay improvements for monograph parts and authority record imports
- 34 contributors

The ducks are hard at work re-writing the Xulrunner pieces of Evergreen in AngularJS.
Sprint 1COMPLETE! -
Sprint 2COMPLETE! - Sprint 3, In Process
- Sprints 4, 5, & 6... up next
See Webby, the Evergreen web client, in action here!
2015 Community Annual Report
The version on the table is the proof version. The final version will be available online later today.
We regret the typos in the proof version, most notably the inadvertent (and embarrassing) omission of Ben Shum from p.17 as a 2015 EOB member.
Thank you NC Cardinal!

Evergreen 2017
Are you having fun this year?
Join us next year in Covington, KY!
Hosted by the fantastic Covington Five!
Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky
Asbury University, Kentucky
Consortium of Ohio Libraries
Evergreen Indiana
Kenton County Public Library, Kentucky
Evergreen Oversight Board
- Grace Dunbar (Chair)
- Ruth Frasur (Secretary)
- Sharon Herbert
- Tim Spindler
- Amy Terlaga (Vice-Chair & SFC Rep)
Rotating off the Board:
- Andrea Buntz-Neiman
- Chauncey Montgomery
- Chris Sharp
- Yamil Suarez
Newly Elected to the Board:
- Garry Collum
- Ron Gagnon
- Terran McCanna
- Mike Rylander
state of eg 2016
By Grace Dunbar
state of eg 2016
- 2,603