GC Integration Plan (Part I)
- Learning Learning Tools Interoperability - Launch Link
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Learning Learning Tools Interoperability - Transfer Grade
- Learning Information Services
IMS Global Learning Consortium
(IMS: Instructional Management Systems, found by Educause, 1997)
IMS Alliances
- Common Cartridge/ Learning Tools Interoperability
- Learning Information Services
- Question and Test Interoperability (QTI2) and Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP)
- Interactive Whiteboard / Common File Format (IWB/CFF)
Learning Tools Interoperability
- Membership Services v1.0 Public Draft (16 February 2015)
- Content-Item Message v1.0 Public Draft (3 February 2015)
- LTI v1.2 Final (5 January 2015)
- LTI Outcomes Management v2.0 Public Draft (15 December 2014)
- LTI v2.0 Final (6 January 2014)
- LTI v1.1.1 Final (29 August 2012)
- LTI v1.1 Final (13 March 2012)
- LTI v1.0 Final (17 May 2010)
Learning Tools Interoperability
- LTI v1.0 Final (17 May 2010)
- how Basic LTI connects to IMS Common Cartridge (CC) and IMS Learning Information Services (LIS)
- LTI v1.1 Final (13 March 2012)
- includes updates and clarifications as well as support for an outcomes service. lis_outcome_service_url
- LTI v1.1.1 Final (29 August 2012)
- support for the role_scope_mentor launch parameter
LTI v2.0 Final (6 January 2014)
- supports rich and complex REST based two way communication between LTI Consumer and Provider
Learning Tools Interoperability
Tool Consumer: BlackBoard, Canvas, Moodle, ...
Tool Provider: GC, ...
Tool Consumer -> Tool Provider
Signed post request (Using iframe or new tab)
Tool Provider -> LIS (LMS/SIS)
Signed post request
1. Open Learning Tools Mode
2. Outcome Service Mode
Sign: OAuth 1.0a signature, https://github.com/instructure/ims-lti
Problem I User Identification
- LTI does not have to ask user to login (resource_link_id)
- LTI does not have to send any user info by itself (related parameters optional)
- GC needs user to login, at least needs an identification
Problem I User Identification
Solution I: Ask user to login when user access GC through LTI if user not logged in. (Lightweight)
Solution II: Build a LTI API in GC, refactor GC database to align assignments to resource_link_id, not user. (Very Heavyweight)
Solution III: Single Sign On. (Heavyweight)
Problem II Security
- LTI open tools through iframe/new tab.
- iframe needs a X-Frame-Options to avoid Clickjacking Attack.
- GC Assignment mainly based on Iframe.
- X-Frame-Options can only Deny/AllowALL/SAMEORIGIN.
- Rails use SAMEORIGIN by default.
- X-Frame-Options Allow-From can only include one origin. (Not work for Chrome)
Problem II Security
1. Ask admin to config origin limitation.
2. Remove X-Frame-Options when accessing LTI page (lightweight) and related resources. (heavyweight)
3. Use Content-Security-Policy Level 2: frame-ancestors (Not work for IE & Safari).
4. Still have risk.
Problem III User Experience
LTI does not define what's next after learning tools finished. (launch_presentation_return_url)
GC is an complete platform independently.
Solution: User can only access/view target assignment through LTI.
Dev & Deployment Plan
1. IMS LTI Consumer demo for development. (http://consumer.azurewebsites.net/)
2. Canvas LMS for Development & local QA.
3. AWS Canvas LMS/Moodle for online QA & Showcase.
4. LiveText BlackBoard for final review.
GC Integration
By hanyi8000
GC Integration
- 2,000