MIT Licensed
100% Community Guided
New Contributor Friendly
Questions Welcome
(Even during the talk!)
☹ (Currently) Nightly Only & Not on
Friends of the Tree
@danburkert, @james-darkfox, @tschottdorf
@ongardie, @carllerche, @dwrensha,
The Big Picture
- 1st prototype developed for a Distributed Systems class at the University of Victoria. ~v0.9 nightly Rust.
- Weekly(ish) breaking changes, fun!
- Very naive, simple implementation on (mostly) stdlib.
A few finals later...
- Numerous libraries discovered or emerged during development.
- People started coding with me! WOW.
- 2nd prototype planned using emerging ecosystem to solve problems that existed.
- Crafted over time, without a hard deadline, resulting in better decisions and code.
- Mostly functional today, and getting better daily!
- Fast
- Unopinionated
- Correct
- General Purpose
- Library/Idiom dictation
- Lock-in
Not just a key/value store! Build what you need.
Raft-rs represents more of an RPC and replication framework than a database or cache.
- Powerful asynchronous event loop.
- Enables single-threaded design.
- Interesting and Low Level.
- Way more fun than Node!
- ☹ Poor Windows support
- Fast Cerealization Protocol.
- No serialize/deserialize.
- Messages represent wire format.
- Cross platform schemas.
- ☹ Poor async support
(Dan forked it to add async! Improvements here soon!)
- Automated testing.
- Uses @huonw's Travis-Cargo app!
- Documentation updates via Github Pages.
- Test Coverage via Coveralls.
- It's bors!
- Keeps master green.
- Encourages code review.
How It All Connects
For You
- Provides all communication between program and the cluster.
- Clients can be inside or outside of the cluster.
- Calls block until it is appropriate to respond.
- Design your own interactions with the state machine!
A Simple API
// Create a Client associated with a cluster.
let mut client = raft::Client::new(cluster);
// Passes through durable log, is committed, may mutate state machine.
let prop_res = client.propose(msg);
// Immutable access to state machine.
let query_res = client.query(msg);
- Acts as a MIO reactor.
- Virtually all networking and messaging code.
- Buffers incoming messages and dispatches to associated Consensus Module.
- Acts appropriately based on Actions returned by the module.
- No Raft algorithm specific logic.
A(nother) Simple API
// Spawn a server. This will block the current thread as long as it's running.
Server::run(id, addr, peers, persistent_log, state_machine).unwrap();
- Contains all code related to the core Raft Algorithm.
- Zero networking or filesystem code. (Easy testing!)
- Handles elections, replication, committing, etc.
- Exclusive interfaces to the State Machine and Log.
- Hands Actions back to the Server.
Doing It Yourself
Persistent Log
Represents the replicated, persistent log of your application.
Has a strong ordering such that A → B → C and should only act to store information.
Entries placed into the log should not be acted on by the consuming application.
Generally not application specific.
Help us make some cool ones?
- Warning: API is not set in stone. Expect improvements!
Persistent Log API
/// Returns the latest known term.
fn current_term(&self) -> result::Result<Term, Self::Error>;
/// Sets the current term to the provided value. The provided term must be greater than
/// the current term. The `voted_for` value will be reset`.
fn set_current_term(&mut self, term: Term) -> result::Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Increment the current term. The `voted_for` value will be reset.
fn inc_current_term(&mut self) -> result::Result<Term, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the candidate id of the candidate voted for in the current term (or none).
fn voted_for(&self) -> result::Result<Option<ServerId>, Self::Error>;
/// Sets the candidate id voted for in the current term.
fn set_voted_for(&mut self, server: ServerId) -> result::Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns the index of the latest persisted log entry (0 if the log is empty).
fn latest_log_index(&self) -> result::Result<LogIndex, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the term of the latest persisted log entry (0 if the log is empty).
fn latest_log_term(&self) -> result::Result<Term, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the entry at the provided log index.
fn entry(&self, index: LogIndex) -> result::Result<(Term, &[u8]), Self::Error>;
/// Appends the provided entries to the log beginning at the given index.
fn append_entries(&mut self, from: LogIndex, entries: &[(Term, &[u8])]) -> result::Result<(), Self::Error>;
State Machine
- Represents the replicated state of the cluster.
- Consistent across all nodes.
- Is not mutated without going through Raft.
- Responsible for triggering log compaction.
- (We've yet to do this!)
- Warning: API is not set in stone. Expect improvements!
/// Applies a command to the state machine.
/// Returns an application-specific result value.
fn apply(&mut self, command: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Queries a value of the state machine. Does not go through the durable log, or mutate the
/// state machine.
/// Returns an application-specific result value.
fn query(&self, query: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Take a snapshot of the state machine.
fn snapshot(&self) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Restore a snapshot of the state machine.
fn restore_snapshot(&mut self, snapshot: Vec<u8>) -> ();
State Machine API
Road to 1.0
- Membership Changes
- Log Compaction
- Snapshotting
- Testing of common failure situations
- Client Robustness
Future Fun
- Verified communication
- C Bindings
- New libraries to use
- Intensive failure testing
1.0 should represent a full implementation of Diego's Paper.
Get Involved
Help us:
- Define it!
- Abstract it!
- Test it!
- Break it!
- Fix it!
- Build off of it!
Find us on:
By hoverbear
A maturing Rust implementation of Raft.
- 1,956