Dictators of the 20th century
Dictators of the 20th century
How is it going to be organized?
First I will show you a list of the dictators that I'm going to talk about. I've chosen the 15 most relevant dictators in the 20th century (each shown in a slide). They are all important figures in war.
List of dictators:
1. Joseph Stalin
2. Benito Mussolini
3. Adolf Hitler
4. Francisco Franco
5. Fulgencio Batista
6. Mao Tse Tung
7. Jorge Rafael Videla
8. Juan María Bordaberry
9. Augusto Pinochet
10. Hirohito
11. Hugo Banzer Suárez
12. Anastacio Somoza Debayle
13. Manuel Antonio Noriega
14. Alfredo Sroessner
15. Marcos Pérez
Definition of "Dictator":
A person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, and unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession
Soviet Union
Joseph stalin 1878 - 1953
In Russian, Iósif Vissariónovich Stalin, was the dictator of the Soviet Union from the middle 1920s, until his death in 1953.
He has various awards, some of them are: Medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union (earned two times), Medal of the Hero of the Socialist Labor and the Supreme Badge of the Soviet Union.
However, these medal mean nothing because he killed million of people in war crimes.
Benito Mussolini 1883 - 1945
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (also known as "Il Duce", "the leader", in Italian) was the legal dictator of Italy during a long period of time (The I and II World War).
Benito Mussolini decided that Italy would be an ally of Germany, because Italy didn't have enough money or supplies to resist a war.
Adolf hitler 1889 - 1945
Adolf Hitler was the Führer ("leader" in German) of Germany and of the Nazi party. Hitler was a decorated veteran of the World War II.
He earn the Wound Badge in the I WW. And self-awarded the 2nd class Iron Cross, the 1st class Iron Cross, and the Star of the Grand Cross (highest award for a Nazi military member).
But as Stalin, he murdered millions of people (principally in the Holocaust)
Francisco franco 1892 - 1975
Francisco Franco Bahamonde was the dicatator of Spain. Franco was also known because he became the youngest general of Europe in the 1920s.
Francisco Franco had suppport of Hitler's Nazi Party, and of Mussolini's Fascist Italy. This was because such as Italy, Spain just ended the Spanish Civil War, and therefor they had no chance to fight in a war.
Franco, as his protectors established a repression characterized by concentration camps, forced labor and executions.
Fulgencio batista 1901 - 1973
Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was the dictator of Cuba. Fulgencio was Dictator around the 1940s, but was overthrown as a result of the Cuban Revolution.
But then, later when he became dictator again, he suspended the 1940 Cuban Contitution, and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He also did negociations with the American mafia, so the mafia could contol all Cuba's drug and prostitution buisnesses.
Mao tse 1893 - 1976
Mao Zedong, or transliterated as Mao Tse-Tung, was the dictator of China. For some history experts, Mao Zedong was the man who started and created the modern and indutrialized China.
But to reach this, he decided to destroy most of the old and ancient cuture and establish a culture and life style based on industry instead of agriculure.
But as the other dicatators before mentioned , he did executions and forced labors. But most important, he killed from 40 to 70 million people through starvation, the greatest democide in history
jorge videla 1925 - 2013
Jorge Rafael Videla was the dictator of Argentina. He came to power in a coup d'état that deposed Isabel Martínez de Perón. Jorge Videla ordered in his dictatorship things such as kidnappings, forced disappearance, widespread tortures and extrajudicial murders.
An estimated 13,000 - 30,000 political dissidents vanished during his rule.
juan bordaberry 1928 - 2011

Juan María Bordaberry Arocena was the dictator of Uruguay. He isn't very known because of war crimes of murders of civilans. He is more known because he murdered four members of the General Assembly ( an assembly that he wanted to dissolve, and did so in the 1970s). He was arrested for doing this.
augusto pinochet 1915 - 2006
Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte was the dictator of Chile.
Various reports and investigations claim that between 1,200 and 3,200 were killed, up to 80,000 were interned and as many as 30,000 were tortured during th time Pinochet was in goverment.
In 2000 the judges ordered Pinochet to enter to jail, but he didn't because he was with ill-health. In 2004 they ordered house arrest. By the time he died in 2006, there were still 300 criminal charges against him because of violation of human rights, tax evassion. He was also accused of having corruptly amassed at least 28 million $
Hirohito 1901 - 1989
Hirohito (this means "abundant benevolence" in Japanese) or Emperor Showa, was the Emperor of Japan. Japan was the ninth-largest economy in the world and the third-largest naval power. After the war Hirohito was not pesecuted because of war crimes, as many other dictators and important goverment figueres were. When the II WW finished Japan was the second-largest economy in the world, and Hirohito became a symbol of the new state and Japan's recovery.
But it's not gold all that shines: Some history experts think but are not sure that Hirohito used 375 times a gas that was forbidden in war.
HUGO banzer 1926 - 2002

Hugo Banzer Suárez was the dictator of Bolivia.
Hugo reached power thanks to the various contacts he had in the army and in the goverment. When he was dictator there were (as in most of the dictatorships) executions, corruption and forced labors.
Althrough, in 1997 he was chosen as constitutional president of Bolivia.
Anastasio somoza 1925 - 1980
Anastasio Somoza DeBayle (known as "Tachito") was the dictator of Nicaragua. He did as all the other dictators mentioned before.
After being overthrown by an insurrection, he fled Nicaragua in exile. He was eventually assassinated while in exile in Paraguay.
The members of a Sandinista commando team who killed Anastasio Somoza were four men and three women, equipped with: Two Soviet-made machine guns, two AK47 assault rifles, two automatic Glock-14 pistols and an RPG-7 with four anti-tank grenades and two rockets
The leader of this team said: "We cannot tolerate the existence of millionaire playboys while thousands of Latin Americans are dying of hunger. We are perfectly willing to give up our lives for this cause."
Manuel noriega 1934
Manual Antonio Noriega Moreno was the dictator of Panama. He was captured and detained as prisoner of war, because he trafficked with tons of drugs around the world and money laundering.
After a conditional release he was sent to Panama to serve 20 years there. He is still there, working.
Alfredo stroessner 1912 - 2006

Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda was the dictator of Paraguay.
Alfredo used torture against political opposition, and during his dictatorship, Paraguay became a sanctuary for drugs and everyday goods such as whisky and car parts.
He also provided refuge to a heroine international dealer : Auguste Ricord; and a huge list of war criminals such as : Anastasio Somoza (mentioned before) and Dr. Joseph Mengele, a Nazi doctor known as the "Angel of Death", who did genetic experiments with children
marcos pérez 1914 - 2001

Marcos Evangelista Pérez Jiménez was the dictator of Venezuela.
During his rule Venezuela lived a period of happiness and prosperity, but altrough that was what Marcos wanted all stadistics and people to think, because if you asked people they would say you they were really happy.
That was because he ruthlessly hunted down anyone who opposed his dictatorship, or made Venezuela lose money.
Thanks for your attention and hope you enjoyed and learned from my slideshow
by: Iván l. Bendezú torres
20th century dictators
By ivanbendezutorres
20th century dictators
A slideshow about dictators of the 20th century
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