Common User Interfaces, Users, Companies, Products, Access Tokens, Auth

and some TypeScript


Unbundled development

Unified applications

A Common Theme

A Common Theme

  • Consistency of UX across products
  • Reusable components for consumption
  • Allows for easier maintenance of code
  • Better learning/ramping up between projects

A Common Theme

Get it here:

A Common Theme

Include it using bower:

bower \
install \
ssh:// \

A Common Theme

Use it:


A Global Nav Bar

A Global Nav Bar

From any app in the ecosystem, users can:

  • Masquerade
  • Logout
  • Switch product
  • Switch company
  • App specific actions

A Global Nav Bar

Get it here: 

A Global Nav Bar

Include it using bower:

bower \
install \
ssh:// \

A Global Nav Bar

Use it:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bn-topnav/dist/topnav.css" />
<script src="bower_components/bn-topnav/dist/topnav.js"></s.cript> ... <topnav settings="topnavSettings" user="user" company="company" catm="catmService">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#"></a>

Single Sign On

Single Sign On Libraries
  • bn.tokens-js
  • bn.tokens-angular
  • bn.tokens-node

// tokens angular
angular.module('app').service('auth', function(tokens) {
  // Create a service so we only initialize once
  return tokens.withBaseUrl('');

angular.module('app').controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, auth) {
  auth.getSession().then(function(session) {
    $ = session.user;

Single Sign On Tokens

with the tokens library

Users, Companies, Products, Access Tokens

Users, Companies, Products, Access Tokens

Javascript with Types
Developed by Microsoft
Apache Licensed
Works on Mac OS X and Linux using Node

Why TypeScript?

Type Safety
Type Definitions for Javascript
IDE Support
Smart Code Completion
Some of ES6 Now

Some of ES6 Now

Arrow functions
(name) => "Hello " + name;
Default Arguments
function hello(name="World") { return "Hello " + name; } 
class Greeter { constructor(name) { = name; } } 
module greeters { /* encapsulated code */ } 

Type Safety and Inference

var helloString = "Hello World"!;
var helloArray = ["Hello World!"];

function helloFunction(name) { return "Hello " + name + "!"; }

Type Safety and Inference

var helloString : string = "Hello World!";
var helloArray : string[] = ["Hello World!"];

function helloFunction(name : string) : string { return "Hello " + name + "!"; }

Compiled to Javascript

var helloString = "Hello World!";

var helloArray = ["Hello World!"];

function helloFunction(name) {
    return "Hello " + name + "!";

IDE Support

Visual Studio

Web Storm and IntelliJ
Plugins for vim, Sublime Text, emacs

Writing an AngularJS App in TypeScript


/// <reference path="types/angularjs/angular.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="types/angularjs/angular-route.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="types/restangular/restangular.d.ts"/>

Type definitions make Javascript type safe

interface IRouteProvider extends IServiceProvider {
    otherwise(params: any): IRouteProvider;
    when(path: string, route: IRoute): IRouteProvider;
interface IRoute {
    controller?: any;
    controllerAs?: any;
    name?: string;
    template?: string;
    templateUrl?: any;
    resolve?: any;
    redirectTo?: any;
    reloadOnSearch?: boolean;


angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute", "restangular"])
        ($routeProvider: ng.route.IRouteProvider) => {
                .when("/", {
                    templateUrl: "views/main.html",
                    controller: "MainCtrl",
                    resolve: {
                        entries: ["Restangular", (Restangular: Restangular) => {
                            return Restangular.all("entries").getList();


class MainCtrl {

    constructor(private $scope, public entries: ArrayRest<IEntryRest>) {
        $scope.vm = this;
    // ...

    public upvote(entry: IEntryRest) {
        // POST on /entries/:entryId/upvote"upvote", {}).then((updatedEntry: IEntryRest) => {
            entry.votes = updatedEntry.votes;

angular.module("myApp") .controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'entries', MainCtrl]);


By jamiemccrindle


  • 1,128